Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/365

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 277-JUNE 26, 1944 to be expended under the direction of the Committee on Revision of the Laws. The unexpended balance of the appropriation "For preliminary work in connection with the preparation of a new edition of the United States Code, including the correction of errors as authorized by the Act approved March 2, 1929", contained in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1944, is hereby reappropriated and con- tinued available until June 30, 1945. Clerk's office, special assistance: For assistants in compiling lists of reports to be made to Congress by public officials; compiling copy and revising proofs for the House portion of the Official Register; pre- paring and indexing the statistical reports of the Clerk of the House; compiling the telephone and Members' directories; preparing and indexing the daily calendars of business; preparing the official state- ment of Members' voting records; preparing lists of congressional nominees and statistical summary of elections; preparing and index- ing questions of order printed in the Appendix to the Journal pur- suant to House rule III; for recording and filing statements of political committees and candidates for election to the House of Representatives pursuant to the Federal Corrupt Practices Act, 1925 (2 U. S. C. 241 -256); and for such other assistance as the Clerk of the House may deem necessary and proper in the conduct of the business of his office, $4,500: Provided, That no part of this appro- priation shall be used to augment the annual salary of any employee of the House of Representatives. Speaker's automobile; For exchange, driving, maintenance, repair, and operation of an automobile for the Speaker, $4,000. Compiling testimony in contested-election cases: For services in compiling, arranging for the printer, reading proof, indexing testi- mony, stenography ca typewriting, supervision of the work, and expenses incurred in the contested-election cases of the Seventy- seventh and Seventy-eighth Congresses, as authorized by the Act entitled "An Act relating to contested elections", approved March 2, 1887 (2 U. S. C. 201-226), $1,750. 345 Preparation of new edition of U. . Code. 57 Stat. 230 . "Official Register. " 43 Stat. 1070. 2U.S.C., Bpp. , III, f 261. 24 Stat. 445. CAPITOL POLICE General expenses: For purchasing and supplying uniforms, pur- chase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled pas- senger-carrying vehicles, contingent expenses including $25 per month for extra services performed by a member of such force for the Capitol Police Board, $9,400. Capitol Police Board: To enable the Capitol Police Board to provide additional protection during the present emergency for the Capitol Buildings and Grounds, including the Senate and House Office Buildings and the Capitol Power Plant, $55,000. Such sum shall only be expended for payment for salaries and other expenses of personnel detailed from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service of the Treasury Department, and the Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia, and the heads of such agencies and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and directed to make such details upon the request of the Board. Personnel so detailed shall, during the period of such detail, serve under the direction and instructions of the Board and is authorized to exercise the same authority as members of such Metropolitan Police and members of the Capitol Police and to perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. Reimbursement for salaries and other expenses of such detailed personnel shall be made to the Capitol Buildlnp and grounds, etc. Additional protee tion. Reimbursement for salaries, etc., of de- tailed personnel.