Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/43

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78Tn CONG., 2D SESS.- CH. 63-FEB . 25,1944 Sec. 125. Exclusion from gross income of certain cost-of-living allowances paid to civilian officers and employees of the Government sta- tioned outside continental United States. (a) In general (sec. 116). (b) Taxable years to which applicable. Sec. 126. Nonrecognition of loss on certain railroad reorganizations made retroactive to 1939. (a) Amendment of section 112 (b) (9) (sec. 112 (b) (9)). (b) Amendment of section 113 (a) (20) (sec. 113 (a) (20)). (c) Amendment of section 142 (d) of the Revenue Act of 1942. Sec. 127 . Gain or loss upon the cutting of timber. (a) In general (sec. 117 (k)). (b) Technical amendment (sec. 117 (j) (1)). (c) Effective date. Sec. 128. Acquisitions to evade or avoid income or excess profits tax. (a) In general (sec. 129). (b) Technical amendment (sec. 45). (c) Taxable years to which applicable. Sec. 129. Disallowance of certain deductions attributable to business operated by individual at loss for five years. (a) In general (sec. 130). (b) Effective date of amendment. Sec. 130. Technical amendments relating to foreign tax credit. (a) Limit on credit (sec. 131 (b)). (b) Taxes of foreign subsidiary (sec. 131 (f)). (c) Taxable years to which applicable. Sec. 131. Extension of consolidated returns privilege to certain corpo- rations (sec. 141 (e)). Sec. 132. Nonresident aliens brought into United States under authority of War Manpower Commission (sec. 143 (b)). Sec. 133. Relief in the case of excess deductions of estates and trusts. (a) In general (sec. 162 (d)). (b) Effective date. Sec. 134. Trusts for maintenance or support of certain beneficiaries. (a) Income for benefit of grantor (sec. 167). (b) Taxable years to which applicable. Sec. 135. Mutual fire insurance companies issuing perpetual policies. (a) Taxability under section 204 (sec. 204 (a)). (b) Gross income (sec. 204 (b) (1)). (c) Dividends (sec. 204 (c) (11)). (d) Nontaxability under section 207 (sec. 207 (a)). (e) Real estate; bond premium and discount (sec. 207 (c) and (d)). (f) Taxable years to which applicable. Sec. 136. Treaty obligations. Sec. 137. Status for withholding at source on wages (sec. 1622 (h) (1)). TrTLE II-ExcEss PROFITS TAX AND POST-WAR REFUND OF EXCESS PROFITs TAX POi p. 563 PART I-EXCESS PROFITS TAX AMENDMENTS Sec. 201. Taxable years to which amendments applicable. Sec. 202. Increase in excess profits tax rate. (a) In general (sec. 710 (a) (1)). (b) Technical amendment relating to public utilities (sec. 710 (a) (1) (B)). (c) Credit for income subject to excess profits tax in special cases (sec. 26 (e)). Sec. 203 . Certain fiscal-year taxpayers. (a) Computation of tax for taxable years beginning in 1943 and ending in 1944 (sec. 710 (a) (6)). (b) Computation of tax for taxable year beginning in 1941 and ending after June 30, 1942 (sec. 710 (a) (3)). (C) Taxable years to which applicable. Sec. 204. Increase in specific exemption. (a) In general (sec. 710 (b) (1)). (b) Return requirement (sec. 729 (b) (2)). (c) Consolidated returns (sec. 141 (c)). Sec. 205 . Reduction of excess profits credits based on invested capital in certain brackets (sec. 714). Sec. 206. Publicity of relief granted under section 722. (a) In general (sec. 722). (b) Taxable years to which applicable. Sec. 207. Strategic minerals. (a) In general (sec. 731). (b) Taxable years to which applicable. 58 STAT.]