Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/456

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 296-JUNE 28,1944 General administrative expenses: For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of Chief of Bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $225,000. Post, p. 862. Agricultural engineering investigations: For investigations, exper- iments, and demonstrations involving the application of engineering rinciples to agriculture; for investigating and reporting upon the ifferent kinds of farm power and appliances; upon farm domestic water supply and sewage disposal, upon the design and construction of farm buildings and their appurtenances and of buildings for proc- essing and storing farm products; upon farm power and mechanical farm equipment and rural electrification, upon the engineering prob- lems relating to the processing, transportation, and storage of perish- able and other agricultural products; and upon the engineering prob- lems involved in adapting physical characteristics of farm land to 46Start. M g . the use of modern farm machinery; for investigations of cotton gin- ning under the Act approved April 19, 1930 (7 U. S . C . 424, 425); for giving expert advice and assistance in agricultural and chemical engineering; for collating, reporting, and illustrating the results of investigations and preparing, publishing and distributing bulletins, plans, and reports, $353,639, of which (notwithstanding the above limitation upon buildings) not to exceed $10,000 may be expended for the construction of a building at the Houma (Louisiana) station. Cereal crops and diseases: For the investigation and improvement of cereals, including corn, and methods of cereal production and for the study and control of cereal diseases, for the investigation of the cultivation and breeding of flax for seed purposes, including a study of flax diseases, for the investigation and improvement of broomcorn and methods of broomcorn production, and for determining the dis- tribution of weeds and means for their control, $650,524. Cotton and other fiber crops and diseases: For investigation of the production of cotton and other fiber crops, including the improve- ment by cultural methods, breeding, and selection, fiber yield and quality, cotton soil-fertility, and the control of diseases, $456,702, of which sum not less than $14,700 shall be used for experimenting in Sea Island cotton, including its hybridization with other varieties. Drug and related plants: For the investigation, testing, and improvement of plants yielding drugs, spices, poisons, oils, and related products and byproducts, $70,308. Dry-land agriculture: For the investigation and improvement of methods of crop production under subhumid, semiarid, or dry-land conditions, $257,563: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for the establishment of any new field station. Forage crops and diseases: For the investigation and improve- ment of forage crops, including grasses, alfalfas, clovers, soybeans, lespedezas, vetches, cowpeas, field peas, and miscellaneous legumes; for the investigation of green-manure crops and cover crops; for investigations looking to the improvement of pastures; and for the investigation of forage-crop diseases and methods of control, $327,837. Forest pathology: For the investigation of diseases of forest and shade trees and forest products, including a study of the nature and habits of the parasitic fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other causes of such diseases, for the purpose of developing methods of control and eradication and determining their application, $255,300. Fruit and vegetable crops and diseases: For investigation and con- trol of diseases, for improvement of methods of culture, propaga- tion, breeding, selection, and related activities concerned with the production of fruits, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, and related plants, for investigation of methods of harvesting, packing, ship- ping, storing and utilizing these products, and for studies of the 436 [58 STAT.