Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/622

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 304 -JUNE 28, 1944 made applicable to the same extent, except as otherwise provided, to the appropriation for the Office of Price Administration. The appropriation for the Office of Price Administration for the 57 tat. 62 fiscal year 1944 shall be construed as having been available for the hire of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles. PWrROLEIUM ADMINISTRATION FOR WAR The limitation upon the amount that may be expended for travel expenses during the fiscal year 1944 is increased from $360,000 to $378,000. INDEPENDENT EXECUTIVE AGENCIES AMERICAN COMMISSION FOR THE PROTECTION AND SALVAGE OF ARTISTIC AND HISTORIC MON1UJMENTS IN WAR AREAS For all expenses necessary for the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas in performing its functions, as described in the letter of the Secretary of State, approved by the President, June 23, 1943, as amended, including the employment of persons, without regard to citizenship, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; not to exceed $15,000 for the temporary employment of persons or organizations 41. S by contract or otherwise without regard to the civil-service and as i classification laws or section 3709 of the Revised Statutes; travel expenses, including actual transportation and other necessary expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence of members of the Commission or persons serving while away from their homes in an advisory capacity without compensation from the United States; expenses of attendance at meetings of organizations concerned with the work of the Commission; purchase of books of reference, periodi- cals, and newspapers; and printing and binding; fiscal year 1945, $40,000. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Ante, p. 363; post, p. 855. Ante, pp. 387, 257. Ante, p. 257. 67 Stat. 600 . Ante, p. 166 . Amount contined avalable. For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, Civil Service Commission, fiscal year 1945, including the objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1945, $2,680,000, which amount, together with the appropriation to which added, shall be available for all expenses necessary for administering the Veter- ans' Preference Act of 1944 and the Panama Canal construction annuity fund (Act of May 29, 1944, Public Law 319). Panama Canal construction annuity fund: For payment of annui- ties authorized by the Act of May 29, 1944 (Public Law 319), fiscal year 1945, $1,500,000, to be immediately available. FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY Freedmen's Hospital: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1944 for officers and employees and compensation for all other professional and other services as provided in the Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1944, $11,000. FEDERmA WORKS AGENCY OMICE OF THE ADMINISTATOR Public Works Administration liquidation: Not to exceed $9,000,000 of the funds heretofore made available to the Public Works Adminis- tration which remain unobligated on June 30, 1944, is hereby made Ante, p. 152 . Poet, p. 874. [58 STAT.