Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/633

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 304-JUNE 28, 1944 and including $5,000 additional for stationery and $35,000 additional for printing and binding, $200,000. Procurement accounting: The provisos under the head, "Salaries and expenses, Procurement Division", in the Treasury Department Appropriation Act, 1944, and the Treasury Department Appropria- tion Act, 1945, requiring that payments to the general supply fund be made on the books of the Treasury Department by transfer and counter warrants, are hereby amended to authorize such payments covering transactions between the Procurement Division and field offices of other Government agencies whose detailed appropriation or fund accounts are maintained elsewhere than within the District of Columbia, to be made on the basis of itemized vouchers or invoices prepared by the Procurement Division and sent through the appro- priate field offices to the disbursing officers for the agencies involved, who are hereby authorized to make payment based (1) upon certifi- cation of the Procurement Division, which shall include the specific statement that the vouchers are issued pursuant to and in conformity with purchase orders or requisitions duly executed by the agency billed, and (2) upon approval and certification of such vouchers by the agency billed, which action shall be based upon acceptance of the Procurement Division certification as made, subject to later adjust- ment if necessary, the responsibility of the authorized certifying officer, under the Act of December 29, 1941, as amended, to be limited to the availability of the funds to be charged. WAR DEPARTMENT-CIVIL FUNCTIONS COBPS OF ENGINEERS Rivers and harbors: For an additional amount for rivers and har- bors, fiscal year 1944, including the objects specified under this head in the War Department Civil Appropriation Act, 1944, $4,250,000, to be available until expended. The appropriations for rivers and harbors shall be available for the improvement, in the interest of national defense and subject to the approval of the Chief of Engineers, of the channel in the With- lacoochee River Florida between its mouth and Inglis. Flood control, general (emergency fund): For the repair, restora- tion, and strengthening of levees and other flood-control works which have been threatened or destroyed by the recent floods, and for other purposes, in accordance with the first section of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for emergency flood-control work made necessary by recent floods, and for other purposes", approved May 29, 1944, $12,000,000, to remain available until expended. DAMAGE CLAIMS Damage claims: For the payment of claims for damage to or loss or destruction of property or personal injury or death adjusted and determined by the Secretary of War under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the settlement of claims for damage to or loss or destruction of property or personal injury or death caused by military personnel or civilian employees, or other- wise incident to activities, of the War Department or of the Army", approved July 3, 1943 (Public Law 112), as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 215, and House Document Numbered 604, Seventy-eighth Congress, $176,675.26: Provided, That the amount specified for the claim of Paul L. Kapp and Arvilla V. Kapp, item 4 on page 5 of such document, is changed from "$2,009.33" to '$1,455.83". Payments for sup- plies, services, etc. 57 Stat. 261 . Ante, p. 206 . Field offices of other Government agencies. 55 Stat. 875. 31 U. B. O., 8upp. In, if 82b-82 . 57 Stat. 94. Withlacooohee Riv- er, Fla. Ans, p. 257. Damages incident to activities of War Department or Army. 57 Stat. 372. 31 U. S. 0., Bpp. mi, § 215-217 notes, 222a, 222b, 223b, 223.. Paul L. Kapp and Arvilla V. Kapp.