Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/641

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 2n SESS.-CH. 304-JUNE 28, 1944 For exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural com- modities, Department of Agriculture (transfer to Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation), $291. For administration of Sugar Act of 1937, Department of Agricul- ture, $102.31. For conservation and use of agricultural land resources, Department of Agriculture, $574.24 . For land utilization and retirement of submarginal land, Depart- ment of Agriculture, $10. For salaries and expenses, Farm Credit Administration, $12. For administrative expenses, Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture, $8.65. Department of Commerce: For general administration, Office of Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, $1.50. For salaries and expenses, Weather Bureau, Department of Com- merce, $264.76. For maintenance of air-navigation facilities, Office of Adminis- trator of Civil Aeronautics, $57.53. For working fund, Commerce, Civil Aeronautics, $7.34. For establishment of air-navigation facilities, Office of Administra- tor of Civil Aeronautics, $7.33. For air-navigation facilities, $1. For maintenance of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $3. For salaries and expenses, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $1. Department of the Interior: For National Park Service, $86.84. For salaries and expenses, Biological Survey, Fish and Wildlife Service, $3. For irrigation, Indian reservations (reimbursable), $39.03 . For conservation of health among Indians, $14.09 . For Indian school support, $155.03. For Civilian Conservation Corps (transfer to Interior, Indians), $22.69. Department of Justice: For salaries and expenses, Lands Division, Department of Justice, $237.84. For prison camps, maintenance, $2.63. For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts (transfer to Justice), $8.92. For salaries and expenses, marshals, and so forth, Department of Justice, $16.08. For salaries, fees and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $43.59. For general expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Service, $123.28. For support of United States prisoners, $149.16. For salaries and expenses, Federal Bureau of Investigation (national defense), $7.25. For contingent expenses, Department of Justice, $10.97. For salaries and expenses, Federal Bureau of Investigation, ninety- six cents. Navy Department: For miscellaneous expenses, Navy, $286.40. For Naval Reserve, $159.22 . For engineering, Navy, $731.33. For naval training station, Newport, R. I ., $1,088.43. For maintenance, Bureau of Ships, $278,486.02. For ordnance and ordnance stores, Navy, $72,193.47. For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $6,853.46. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $1,305.99. For pay and allowances, Coast Guard (Navy), $1,234.52. 60 Stat. 903. 7U.S.C.I1100- 1183; Supp. III, ch. 34 . Ante, p. 283.