Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/649

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 324-JUNE 30, 1944 vided above, except the appropriation for "Administrative expenses". SEC. 102. Any defense article, information, or service procured from funds appropriated by this title or prior Acts appropriating funds to the President for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of said Act of March 11, 1941, as amended, shall be retained by or transferred to and for the use of such department or agency of the United States as the President may determine, in lieu of being disposed of to a foreign government, whenever in the judgment of the President the defense of the United States will be best served thereby: Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used for the payment of any subsidy on agricultural products produced in the continental United States nor for the purchase or distribution of any food products for use in Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. SEC. 103. This title may be cited as "Defense Aid Appropriation Act, 1945". TITLE II-UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND REHABILITATION ADMINISTRATION SEC. 201. To enable the President to carry out the provisions of the Act of March 28, 1944 (Public Law 267), and for each and every purpose incident thereto or necessary therefor, $450,000,000, not to exceed $21,700,000 shall be available for procurement of sixty-one million seven hundred thousand pounds of domestic raw wool, or such amount of domestic raw wool as the foregoing sum will purchase, from stock piles of the United States Government existing on the date of the approval of this Act and not to exceed $43,200,000 shall be available for procurement of three hundred and forty-five thousand five hundred bales of domestic cotton, or such amount of domestic cotton as the fore- going sum will purchase, owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation, to be available immediately and to remain available until June 30, 1946: Provided,That (1) any sums allocated by the President to any execu- tive department, independent establishment, or agency for any of the purposes hereof, from funds appropriated by or authorized to be expended under this title or from funds made available by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, may be expended without regard to those provisions of law waived by law with respect to the expenditure of Government funds by such department, inde- pendent establishment, or agency; (2) the appropriations, funds, or accounts of any executive department, independent establishment, or agency shall be reimbursed or credited from sums allocated hereunder, except as hereinafter provided, for any supplies or services procured from such appropriations or funds or by use of such accounts and furnished for any of the purposes hereof; and (3) any supplies or services procured from funds appropriated by or authorized to be expended under this title may be retained by or transferred to any executive department, independent establishment, or agency, and said funds shall be reimbursed from payments made in return therefor by such department, independent establishment, or agency: Provided further, That any officer or employee of any executive department, independent establishment, or agency who is detailed to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilatition Administration and compensated hereunder, either directly or by reimbursement of applicable appro- priations or funds, shall while so detailed, retain and be entitled to the rights, benefits, privileges, and status of an officer or employee of the United States and of the department, independent establishment, or agency from which detailed. 629 Retention of de- fense article, etc., by U.S. 55 Stat. 31. 22 U. S. C., Supp. III, §§ 411-419. Ante, p. 222 . Restriction on use of funds. Citation of title. United Nations Re- lief and Rehabilita- tion Administration Participation Appro- priation Act, 1945 . Ante, p. 122. Procurement of do- mestic raw wool. Domestic cotton owned by Commodity Credit Corporation. Expenditure of sums allocated by the President. Reimbursements or credits. Supplies and serv- ices. Status of detailed officers or employees.