Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/753

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.-CH. 411-SEPT. 17, 1944 tions and indemnity not to exceed $100; 55 cents for collections and indemnity not to exceed $150; and 60 cents for collections and in- demnity not exceeding $200. The fee for notifying the sender or his representative of inability to deliver a collect-on-delivery article shall be 5 cents." SEC. 2. The fees for collect-on -delivery service for sealed domestic mail matter of any class bearing postage at the first-class rate shall be equal in each case to the fee charged for collect-on-delivery service for domestic third- and fourth-class mail. SEC. 3 . The fees for collect-on-delivery service for registered sealed domestic mail of any class bearing postage at the first-class rate and the limits of indemnity for the loss, rifling, or damage thereof in the mails, shall, in addition to postage and any other required additional fees, be as follows: Amount collectible and limit Fee, including of indemnity payable registration From $0.01 to $10------ ------------------------------------ 40 cents From $10.01 to $50----------------------------------------------- 55 cents From $50.01 to $100---------------------------------------------- 75 cents From $100.01 to $200--------------------------------------------- $1.00 When indemnity in excess of $200 is desired, the fees for domestic registered collect-on-delivery mail, shall, in addition to postage and any other required additional fees, be as follows: Fee, including Amount of indemnity registration From $200.01 to $300------------------------------------ - $1.05 From $300.01 to $400------------------------------------------------ 1.10 From $400.01 to $500----------------------------------------- 1.15 From $500.01 to $600--------------------------------------------- .1.20 From $600.01 to $700------


1.25 From $700.01 to $800------------------------------------------------ 1.30 From $800.01 to $1,000---------------------------------------- 1. 40 SEC. 4 . Section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the special delivery and the special handling of mail matter" approved March 2, 1931, ch. 372 (46 Stat. 1469), is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 2 . To procure the most expeditious handling and transporta- tion practicable and the immediate delivery of mail matter at the office of address, special-delivery stamps shall be affixed thereto, in addition to the regular postage, in accordance with the following schedule: Matter weighing not more than 2 pounds, if of the first class, 13 cents; if of any other class, 17 cents; matter weighing more than 2 but not more than 10 pounds, if of the first class, 20 cents, if of any other class, 25 cents; matter weighing more than 10 pounds, if of the first class, 25 cents, if of any other class, 35 cents: Provided, That under such regulations as the Postmaster General may prescribe, ordinary postage stamps of equivalent value may be accepted in lieu of the special-delivery stamps herein specified." SEC. 5 . Sections 404, 406, and 408 of the Revenue Act of 1943 are hereby repealed and section 407 of said Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 407 . RECEIPTS ON REGISTERED MAIL. "The fees for obtaining receipts for registered mail shall be increased by 331/3 per centum, computed, if the amount of such increase is not a multiple of 1 cent, to a multiple of 1 cent next above such amount." SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on the first day of the second month following the month of its enactment. Approved September 17, 1944. 733 Sealed domestic mail. Collect-on -delivery service, registered sealed domestic mail. 39U.8.C.I276b. Special-delivery stamps. Schedule of rates. Ordinary postage stamps in lieu. Ante, p. 70. Effective date.