Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/790

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 479-OCT. 3, 1944 [58 STAT. Respons authority agency. Public cerningpr able for sa Amer Cross. Priority to inter- agency transfers. Responsibility of Government agencies. Responsibility of Board. Transfers at fair value. UTILIZATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY BY FEDERAL AGENCIES SEc. 12. (a) It shall be the duty of the Board to facilitate the transfer of surplus property from one Government agency to other Government agencies for their use; and the transfer of surplus prop- erty under this section shall be given priority over all other disposals provided for in this Act. (b) It shall be the responsibility of all Government agencies, in order to avoid making purchases through commercial channels, con- tinuously to consult the records of surplus property established by the Board and to determine whether their requirements can be satis- fied out of such surplus property. It shall also be the responsibility of the head of each Government agency to submit to the Board such estimates of the needs of the agency and such reports in relation thereto as the Board may deem necessary to promote the fullest utilization of surplus property. It shall be the responsibility of the Board to determine whether Government agencies are acquiring sur- plus property to the fullest possible extent, and to notify agencies whenever, in its judgment, they are not so doing. (c) The disposal agency responsible for any such property shall transfer it to the Government agency acquiring it at the fair value of the property as fixed by the disposal agency, under regulations prescribed by the Board, unless transfer without reimbursement or transfer of funds is otherwise authorized by law. DISPOSAL TO LoCAL GOVERNIENTI AND NONPROFIT INBTrrUTIONS SEC. 13. (a) The Board shall prescribe regulations for the dis- position of surplus property to States and their political subdivisions and instrumentalities, and to tax-supported and nonprofit institu- 770 extent, and in such form, as the Board may direct and as the agency deems consistent with national security. iblity and (d) When any surplus property is reported to any disposal agency of dsosa under subsection (b) of this section, the disposal agency shall have responsibility and authority for the disposition of such property, and for the care and handling of such property pending its disposition, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Board. Where the dis- posal agency is not prepared at the time of its designation under this Act to undertake the care and handling of such surplus property the Board may postpone the responsibility of the agency to assume its duty for care and handling for such period as the Board deems neces- sary to permit the preparation of the agency therefor. 'pertyava (e) The Board shall prescribe regulations necessary to provide, so le. far as practicable, for uniform and wide public notice concerning surplus property available for sale, and for uniform and adequate time intervals between notice and sale so that all interested purchasers may have a fair opportunity to buy. ican Red (f) No surplus property which was processed, produced, or donated by the American Red Cross for any Government agency shall be dis- posed of except after notice to and consultation with the American Red Cross. All or any portion of such property may be donated to the American Red Cross, upon its request, solely for charitable purposes. nanceof reo (g) Each disposal agency shall maintain in each of its disposal offices such records of its inventories of surplus property and of each disposal transaction negotiated by that office as the Board may prescribe. The information in such records shall be available at al reasonable times for public inspection. Mainte ords.