Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/795

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78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 479-OCT. 3, 1944 (c) Whenever the Board may deem it to be in the interest of the objectives of this Act it may authorize the disposition of any surplus property listed in classes 9 to 12, inclusive, of subsection (a) of this section. With respect to the property listed in classes 1 to 8, inclu- sive, no disposition shall be made or authorized until thirty days after such report (or additional report) has been made while Con- gress is in session, except that the Board may authorize any disposal agency to lease any such property for a term of not more than five years. (d) The Board may authorize any disposal agency to dispose of any materials or equipment related to any surplus plant covered by this section, if such materials and equipment are not necessary for the operation of the plant in the manner for which it is designed. (e) This section shall not apply to any Government-owned equip- ment, structure, or other property operated as an integral part of a privately owned plant and not capable of economic operation as a separate and independent unit. APPLICABILITY OF ANTrrRUST LAWS SEC. 20. Whenever any disposal agency shall begin negotiations for the disposition to private interests of a plant or plants or other property, which cost the Government $1,000,000 or more, or of pat- ents, processes, techniques or inventions, irrespective of cost, the dis- posal agency shall promptly notify the Attorney General of the proposed disposition and the probable terms or conditions thereof. Within a reasonable time, in no event to exceed ninety days after receiving such notification, the Attorney General shall advise the Board and the disposal agency whether, in his opinion, the proposed disposition will violate the antitrust laws. Upon the request of the Attorney General, the Board or other Government agency shall fur- nish or cause to be furnished such information as it may possess which the Attorney General determines to be appropriate or neces- sary to enable him to give the advice called for by this section or to determine whether any other disposition of surplus property violates the antitrust laws. Nothing in this Act shall impair, amend, or modify the antitrust laws or limit and prevent their application to persons who buy or otherwise acquire property under the provisions of this Act. As used in this section, the term "antitrust laws" includes the Act of July 2, 1890 (ch. 647, 26 Stat 209), as amended; the Act of October 15, 1914 (ch. 823, 38 Stat. 130), as amended; the Federal Trade Commission Act; and the Act of August 27, 1894 (ch. 849, sees. 73, 74, 28 Stat. 570), as amended. DISPOSAL OF STRPLtrS AGOICULTOBAL COMMODrrITI SEC. 21. (a) Subject to the supervision of the Board, the War Food Administrator, or his successor, shall be solely responsible for the formulation of policies with respect to the disposal of surplus agricultural commodities and surplus foods processed from agricul- tural commodities, which shall be administered by the disposal agency or agencies designated by the Board. Such policies shall be so formu- lated as to prevent surplus agricultural commodities, or surplus food processed from agricultural commodities, from being dumped on the market in a disorderly manner and disrupting the market prices for agricultural commodities. (b) The Board shall not exercise any of its powers under this Act with relation to disposal of surplus cotton or woolen goods except Disposition of prop- erty in classes 9 to 12. Classes 1 to 8. Materials and equipment. Nonapplicability to Government-owned equipment, etc. Notification to At- torney General. Opinion. 15 U.. S. C. 1-7, 12-27, 44; Supp. 111 , I16note; 18 .U. C. 412;28U.8.C. 1 381-388 , 388aos. 38 Stat. 717 . 15 U.. C .. 41-68, 8,9 . Formulation of pol- icies. Objectives. Surplus cotton or woolen goods. 58 STAT.] 775