Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/888

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 660-DEC. 22 , 1944 tract authorizations provided for such purpose, to enter into contracts for tools, equipment, and facilities in, and land for, public and private plants for the manufacture or production of ordnance materials, munitions, and equipment, in an amount not exceeding $60,000,000. COAST GUARD Damage claims: To pay claims for damages adjusted and deter- mined by the Secretary of the Navy under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the adjustment and settlement of certain claims for damages resulting from the operation of vessels of the Coast Guard and the Public Health Service, in sums not 49 tat. 1514. exceeding $3,000 in any one case", approved June 15, 1936, as fully 14U.S.C. 1 set forth in House Document Numbered 798, Seventy-eighth Congress, $523.06. GENERAL PROVISION Emergency ousing. For the fiscal year 1945 and prior years occupancy of emergency housing facilities under the jurisdiction of the Navy Department or the National Housing Agency, on a rental basis, by personnel of the 37 U. S . C., Supp. services mentioned in the title of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, mAII op11-17. or by their dependents, shall not deprive such personnel of money allowances for rental of quarters. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT (Out of the Postal Revenues) OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL Ante p. 207. Salaries: For an additional amount for salaries, fiscal year 1945, Office of the Postmaster General, $9,500. SALARIES IN BUREAUS AND OFFICES Ante, p. 20 . For an additional amount for salaries, fiscal year 1945, Office of the Chief Inspector $7,350. A., pp.2S, 610. For an additional amount for salaries, fiscal year 1945, Bureau of Accounts, $38,000. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT For an additional amount for contingent and miscellaneous expenses, including the objects specified under this head in the Post A. p. W0s. Office Department Appropriation Act, 1945, and including $660 addi- tional for expenses of the purchasing agent and of the Solicitor and attorneys connected with his office while traveling on business of the Department, $10,000. FIELD SERVICE, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Compensation to postmasters: For an additional amount for com- pensation to postmasters, fiscal year 1943, including the objects speci- fied under this head in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act, Stat.164. 1943, $10,000. OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMAISER GENERAL Domestic Air Mail Service: For an additional amount for Domestic Air Mail Service, fical year 1945, including the objects specified under Atp. this head in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 1945, and [58 STAT.