Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/939

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78TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.-CH. 713-DEC. 23, 1944 percentage not in excess of 75 per centum of the investment in the crop, as determined by the Board. The Corporation shall report annually to the Congress the results of its operations as to each com- modity under this paragraph." SEC. 2 . That subsection (b) of section 508 of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "(b) To fix adequate premiums for insurance in the agricultural commodity or in cash, at such rates as the Board deems sufficient to cover claims for crop losses on such insurance and to establish as expeditiously as possible a reasonable reserve against unforeseen losses. Such premiums shall be collected at such time or times, or shall be secured in such manner, as the Board may determine: Pro- vided, That, after the crop year of 1949, not more than a sum equivalent to 25 per centum of the premiums collected in the pre- ceding year (beginning calculation of premiums collected in the crop year of 1949) shall be used for administrative expenses in any current operating year." SEC. 3. That subsection (c) of section 508 of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "(c) To adjust and pay claims for losses in the agricultural com- modity or in cash, under rules prescribed by the Board: Provided, however, That, after the crop year of 1949, if the total amount of accumulated claims for losses on any agricultural commodity for any year exceeds the total amount of the premiums collected less the accumulated premium reserves of the Corporation with respect to any such commodity, (which reserves, after the crop year of 1948, shall not be less than 10 per centum of the premiums collected on such commodity), such claims shall be paid on a pro rata reduced basis. The Corporation shall provide for the posting annually in each county at the county courthouse of a list of indemnities paid for losses on farms in such county. In the event that any claim for indemnity under the provisions of this title is denied by the Corporation, an action on such claim may be brought against the Corporation in the United States district court, or in any court of record of the State having general jurisdiction, sitting in the district or county in which the insured farm is located, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon such district courts to determine such controversies without regard to the amount in controversy: Provided, That no suit on such claim shall be allowed under this section unless the same shall have been brought within one year after the date when notice of denial of the claim is mailed to and received by the claimant." SEC. 4 . That section 518 of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 518. 'Agricultural commodity', as used in this title, means wheat, cotton, flax, corn, dry beans, oats, barley, rye, tobacco, rice, peanuts, soybeans, sugar beets, sugarcane, timber and forests, potatoes and other vegetables, citrus and other fruits, tame hay, or any other agricultural commodity determined -by the Board pursuant to sub- section (a) (2) of section 508 of this title, or any one or more of such commodities, as the context may indicate." SEC. 5 . Notwithstanding the provisions of the item entitled "Conser- vation and use of agricultural land resources", contained in the Depart- ment of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1945, there is hereby author- ized to be appropriated to the War Food Administrator an additional amount not exceeding $30,000,000 for making payments, subject to the applicable provisions of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, to producers to encourage an increased s production of flax for the crop year 1945 and the Administrator is authorized to make commitments to the producers of such commodity 58 STAT.] 919 52 Stat. 74. 7U. S . C., Supp. II, 1508 (b). Premiums. Collection. Use for administra- tive expenses. 52 Stat. 74. 7 U. 8. C., Supp. m, §1508 (c). Payment of claims. Pro rata reduction. Posting of ndemni- ties paid. Civil actions. Time limitation. 55 Stat. 256. 7 U. 8. C., Supp. hII, 1518. "Agricultural com- modity." Increased produc- ion of flax. Anit, p. 449. 49 Stat. 163. 16U.S. . § 590a- 90q; Supp. i, a590h. Ante, pp. 737. 738.