Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/17

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LIST OF PROCLAMATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME No. 2603 Immigration quota for Chinese .- -- ____........... 2604 Thomas Alva Edison Day, 1944 -------------- 2605 Flag of the United States . ---------- _ . ..-- ----- 2606 Red Cross Month, 1944__ -

.---- --------- ___ 2607 I Am An American Day, 1944 ---------- _

____ 2608 Copyright extension: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (including certain British territories) and Palestine

2609 Child Health Day, 1944

-.. ... .. .-. 2610 Army Day, 1944 ------------------------- _ . 2611 Cancer Control Month, 1944---- ------------- -- 2612 Mother's Day, 1944--------- ------- - . . ... 2613 National Maritime Day, 1944 -------------------- 2614 Flag Day, 1944 . --- - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - -- 2615 National Farm-Safety Week, 1944 --------- ___-- -_____--- 2616 Migratory birds and certain game mammals, regulations relating to ------------------...................................................... 2617 Capture of prizes --------- -_ -_--

2618 Fire Prevention Week, 1944 ----- _--.--_. ...----- _


2619 Migratory birds, amendments to regulations relating to----------- 2620 Registration in the Virgin Islands of male persons other than citizens of the United States ------------------------------- 2621 Emergency Board, Union Railway Company (Memphis, Tenn.)- Employees --------------------.-----


2622 Emergency Board, Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company and Chicago, Aurora & Elgin Railroad Company- Employees--------------------- 2623 Columbus Day, 1944 -------------.------.---.----- __


2624 General Pulaski's Memorial Day-------- _- - -- -- -- - -- -- _ _ __ _ _ _ . 2625 Migratory birds, amendments to regulations relating to----------- 2626 Service courts of friendly foreign forces within the United States -_ 2627 Hawaii, Territory of, termination of martial law in the ---- 2628 Armistice Day, 1944


2629 Thanksgiving Day, 1944------------------.--------.---- 2630 Emergency Board, Bingham and Garfield Railway Company- Employees-- ---------------------.---------.---.- 2631 Specification of the termination date as provided in the Renegotia- tion Act ------------------------ 2632 Ecuador, suspension of tonnage duties ---------------- _-____ --_ 2633 Emergency Board, Steelton & Highspire Railroad Company- Employees -- - --- - -

__ .__ .. _____-______-______ .- 2634 Emergency Board, Seaboard Air Line Railway-Employees ------ Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Date 8, 1944_-- 9, 1944___ 18, 1944___ 19, 1944___ 6, 1944_-- Mar. 10 , 1944___ Mar. 17, 1944___ Mar. 22, 1944__ Mar. 28, 1944___ Apr. 25 , 1944___ Apr. 25, 1944- May 3, 1944__ June 16,1944___ July 27,1944-- Aug. 12, 1944-_ - Aug. 17, 1944 -_ Aug. 25, 1944___ Sept. 17, 1944- Sept. 19, 1944___ Sept. 19, 1944___ Sept. 21 , 1944-_ - Sept. 21, 1944__ Sept. 26, 1944 -_ Oct. 11,1944_ Oct. 19, 1944__ Oct. 26, 1944__ Nov. 1,1944_ -- Nov. 8,1944__ Nov. 14, 1944__ - Dec. 12, 1944___ Dec. 12 ,1944__- Dec. 14 , 1944___ xix Page 1125 1126 1126 1127 1128 1129 1131 1131 1132 1133 1133 1134 1135 1136 1146 1147 1148 1150 1153 1154 1155 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164