Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/254

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TREATIES Headquarters. La oficina central ejecutiva del Instituto tendrA su sede en Wash- ington, D. C. La oficina principal de actividades radicar& en Turri- alba, Costa Rica. Oficinas regio- nales del Instituto podran ser esta- blecidas en todas las otras Repi- blicas Americanas. FINES Articulo II Los fines del Instituto serAn los de estimular y promover el desa- rrollo de las ciencias agricolas en las Republicas Americanas median- te la investigaci6n, la ensefanza y la divulgaci6n de la teoria y de la practica de la agricultura, asi como de otras artes y ciencias co- nexas. Para realizar estos fines, el Ins- tituto podrA, de conformidad con las leyes de los distintos paises, hacer uso de las siguientes atribu- ciones: crear, sostener y adminis- trar establecimientos similares e instalaciones en una o mas de las Repfiblicas Americanas; prestar ayuda al establecimiento y man- tenimiento de organizaciones que persigan finalidades analogas en dichas Repdblicas; comprar, ven- der, arrendar, mejorar o adminis- trar cualquiera propiedad en las Republicas Americanas, de acuer- do con las finalidades del Insti- tuto; colaborar con el Gobierno de cualquiera Repiblica Americana, o con cualesquiera otros organis- mos o entidades y prestar ayuda a los mismos; aceptar contribu- ciones y donativos en forma de dinero o bienes, tanto muebles como inmuebles; celebrar y llevar a cabo contratos y acuerdos; culti- var o adquirir toda clase de pro- ductos agricolas y sus derivados Article II The purposes of the Institute are to encourage and advance the development of agricultural sciences in the American Repub- lics through research, teaching and extension activities in the theory and practice of agricul- ture and related arts and sciences. In furtherance of these pur- poses the Institute may, subject to the laws of the several coun- tries, exercise the following pow- ers: To develop, finance and operate similar establishments and installations in one or more of the American Republics; to give as- sistance in the establishment and maintenance of organizations hav- ing similar purposes in the said Republics; to purchase, sell, lease, improve or operate any property in the American Republics, in ac- cordance with the purposes of the Institute; to collaborate with the Government of any American Re- public, or with any other organi- zation or entity, and to give assist- ance to the same; to receive contributions and donations of money or property, both real and personal; to enter into and carry out contracts and agreements; to raise or acquire and, in any man- ner, dispose of all agricultural commodities and products thereof The executive headquarters of the Institute shall be located in Washington, D. C. The principal field headquarters of the Institute shall be located in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Regional offices of the Institute may be maintained throughout the American Repub- lics. PURPOSES Powers. 1172 [58 STAT.