Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/262

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TREATIES Instituto durante el afio, asi como de su estado general y situaci6n financiera; y sometera a la aproba- ci6n de la misma Junta el pre- supuesto y los planes para el afio siguiente. EL SECRETARIO Articulo VI El Secretario tendra bajo su cuidado las actas y archives del Instituto, gozara de todas las facultades y desempefiarA todas las funciones administrativas que le encomiende el Director. stitute during the year and its general condition and financial status, and he shall submit to the approval of the said Board the budget and the plans for the fol- lowing year. THE SECRETARY Article VI The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the Insti- tute, shall exercise all prerogatives and carry out all administrative duties assigned to him by the Director. EL CONSEJO TECNICO CONSULTIVO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Articulo VII Se establecerh un Consejo Tec- nico Consultivo, que se organizara en la forma siguiente: Membership. 1. Cada uno de los Estados Contratantes podra designar un experto agricola, quien actuarh como su representante en el seno del Consejo Tecnico Consultivo del Instituto. Este Consejo co- operar con el Director en asuntos de indole tecnica agricola. El nombramiento de cada represen- tante se comunicarf oficialmente al Secretario del Instituto. Los miembros del Consejo, sujctos a la voluntad de sus gobiernos, ejer- ceran sus funciones durante un periodo de cinco afios, pudiendo ser nombrados nuevamente una o mas veces para continuar en el desempeflo de sus cargos. Meetings. 2. El Consejo Tecnico Consul- tivo se reunirA, a lo menos una vez al ano, bajo la presidencia del Director del Institute, en el lugar en que las actividades del Insti- tuto lo requieran. El Director podra citar al Consejo a reuniones extraordinarias por su propia ini- ciativa, cuando la buena marcha Article VII Provision is made for the estab- lishment of a Technical Advisory Council, as follows: 1. Each of the Contracting States may appoint an agricultural expert to be its representative in the Technical Advisory Council of the Institute. This Council shall cooperate with the Director on agricultural matters of a technical nature. The appointment of each representative shall be officially notified to the Secretary of the In- stitute. The members of the Council shall serve for a period of five years at the will of their re- spective governments, and may be reappointed one or more times. 2. The Techn i calAdvisory Council shall meet at least once a year, under the chairmanship of the Director of the Institute, at such place as the activities, of the Institute may require. The Di- rector may call special meetings of the Council on his own initiative, whenever the best interests of the Duties. 1180 [58 STAT.