Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/316

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. February 25 and Marbh a, Id Agreement between the United States of America and Canada respecting IE.A. . 99 the Upper Columbia River Basin. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Ottawa February25 and March 3, 1944. The American Ambassador to the Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs EMBASSY OF TEE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 101 Ottawa, Canada,February 5, 1944. Sim: I have the honor to refer to your note No. 157 of December 10,1943, [1] concerning the desirability of having a study made by the Inter- national Joint Commission with respect to the Upper Columbia River Basin from the points of view of navigation, power development, irri- gation, flood control, and other beneficial public uses and purposes. As the result of informal exchanges of views on this subject I have been directed to bring the following suggested reference to the Com- mission to your attention with the request that I be informed whether it is acceptable to the Government of Canada: "1. In order to determine whether a greater use than is now being made of the waters of the Columbia River system would be feasible and advantageous, the Governments of the United States and Canada have agreed to refer the matter to the International Joint Commission for investigation and report pursuant to Article IX of the Convention concerning Boundary Waters be- tween the United States and Canada, signed January 11th, 3 Stat. 2452 . 1909. "2. It is desired that the Commission shall determine whether in its judgment further development of the water resources of the river basin would be practicable and in the public interest from the points of view of the two Governments, having in mind (A) domestic water supply and sanitation, (B) navigation, (C) efficient development of water power, (D) the control of floods, (E) the needs of irrigation, (F) reclamation of wet lands, (G) conservation of fish and wildlife, and (H) other beneficial public purposes. "3. In the event that the Commission should find that further works or projects would be feasible and desirable for one or more of the purposes indicated above, it should indicate how the in- terests on either side of the boundary would be benefited or ad- versely affected thereby, and should estimate the costs of such works or projects, including indemnification for damage to public and private property and the costs of any remedial works that [Not printed.] 1236