Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/326

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1246 55 Stat. 732. 17 U. S. C., Supp. III, § 8. Noncompliance be- cause of existing emer- gency. Time extension for benefit of certain groups. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. tion or performance would, but for the making of this Order, have been lawful, nothing in this Order shall diminish or prejudice any rights or interest arising from or in connexion with such action which were subsisting and valuable at the said date, unless the person who by virtue of this Order becomes entitled to restrain such reproduction or performance agrees to pay such compensation as, failing agreement, may be determined by arbitration. 5. The Interpretation Act, 1889 (a), shall apply to the interpre- tation of this Order as if it were an Act of Parliament. 6. This Order may be cited as the Copyright (United States of America) Order, 1942. 7. This Order shall come into operation on the date of its publica- tion in the London Gazette, which day is in this Order referred to as the commencement of this Order. E. C . E. LEADBITTER . The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador DEPrArTENT OF STATE WASHINGTON March 10,1944 ExCELENCY : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note of today's date in which you refer to the Act of Congress ap- proved September 25, 1941 which authorizes the President to extend by proclamation the time for compliance with the conditions and for- malities prescribed by the copyright laws of the United States of America with respect to works first produced or published outside the United States of America and subject to copyright under the laws of the United States of America when the authors or proprietors of such works are unable to comply with those conditions and formalities be- cause of the disruption or suspension of the facilities essential to such compliance. You state that by reason of the existing emergency authors and copy- right proprietors who are British nationals and authors and proprie- tors who are citizens of Palestine (excluding Trans-Jordan) do at present lack, and since the outbreak of the war between the United Kingdom and Germany on September 3, 1939, have lacked the facili- ties essential to compliance with and fulfilment of the conditions and formalities established by the laws of the United States of America relating to copyright. You express the desire of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom that, in accordance with the procedure provided in the Act of September 25, 1941, the time for fulfilling the conditions and for- malities of the copyright laws of the United States of America be ex- tended for the benefit of (1) authors and copyright proprietors who (a) 52&53 Vict. c. 63