Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/337

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58 STAT.] IRAQ-EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS-FEB . 16, 1944 LIST 2 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS TO BE FURNISHED REGULARLY BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF IRAQ (Iraq Government Gazette, Arabic edition) Iraq Governant 'azette tEnglish edition) Parlia-nt enate nt I----- Yio ~t. .AL (Proceedingn of the Senate) L-AJI J6L1 ,-- (Digeat of the Works of the Committeem) - (roceeding of the Chamber of Leputies) i--- - 1A StCL-UI JL» i C, JIbJl .Zyfc (Report of the eeretary of the Chamber on the Works of the *er-anent GConittees) Ministy for Foreign Affrtr, l . ,l ,J1 ';1,. Listea . Lee Menbree du Corps Dlplonatique (List of members of the Foreign Diplomatic Corps, published twice a year, Arabio and French) Diplomatic documents Treaty series and collection* ilnaltry of Interior Officials' Register or other governmental directory Official Register in factoraee and workshops Direotqate Genera of -unioipalitiea and Reconstruction J1l - -Y i,-LAI , . (Municipal Bulletin) Mape of Iraq Diectorate Oeneral of Polioe J---- J, 1JJ (Annual Beport) Administrationleport of the Iraq Police Aual Report of the Basra Police ,6I-,J1 (Tha Police - monthly) Directorate General of Propaganda and Publications All official publications (books, pamphlets, aps, charts, leaflet, ets.) Direotorate General of Air Raid Precaution Pamphlets, posters, signs, etc. Local Administration Council Form, such as W/M/8 for registration linlstry of Finance Not on the Administration of the Public Financeo of Iraq (Report) Administration Report of the Revenue DepartmEnt (Annual) Report on the Operations of the Hevenue Department (Annual) Municipal budgets for the year rBesnue Circular