Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/340

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1260 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. Directorate ener of Agriculture .-- . -' j1J (Annual Report) Agrioultural leelets (Bilingual) Bulletin Leaflet IMeoir (reports or monographic volumes on various subjects.) Directorate General of Veterinary Affairs SfL-----J -ifcIl Annual Report (published Separately in Arabil and nglish) Chamber of Agrioulture Annual reports, statlttiloe pamphlets, ete. Chamber of Geauorea 1J e 3,V<2UVl (Review of the Bashdad °hamber of toumerce) -.. ual reports, statistics pmmphlats, etc. Bara Date AIeociatioa Monthly Aocounts Minutes, Proeeedings Dates and the Date Industry in Iraq (Annual) Mlnistry of -ooial Affairs Annual Admintratint BRport Dtretorate ene aof Halltbl ' re'iSq.B j jAna 1 X Health Report (publshed separately in Ambic amd ]nglirh) Compilatlon of Vital Statistiea of Iraq Ba-gdad Health Deprtent aport Health Inapeetorate Oenral Beport of th Inspector General of Health iervoee Oollege of M edioine Year books, oatalogs, examination papera, ete. College of Pharmay Year books, catalogo, examinaton papers, ete. School for Health Offielale Year books, *te. School of Nurees Year books, oatelog, exanmintion papers, ete. sohool of Midwivea Year books, catalogs, examination papers, eta. Baghdad Water Boaer Adanlitrattve Report Awqat AtminitratioA Annual Report . Daeul-Jlum (alaalo 2heologlcal Institute) Year book, program exuaiation papers, ete.