Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/414

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1334 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. United States Tariff Act Description of Article Rate of Duty of 1030 Paragraph 1669 Drugs which are natural and uncom- pounded and not edible, and not specially provided for, and are in a crude state, not advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other pro- cess or treatment whatever beyond that essential to the proper packing of the drugs and the prevention of decay or deterioration pending manufacture, not containing alcohol: Quince seed, nongerminating Free 1670 Dyeing or tanning materials: Saffron and madder, whether crude or advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crush- ing, or any similar process, not con- taining alcohol Free 1681 Furs and fur skins, not specially pro- vided for, undressed: Badger Free Fox (other than silver or black fox) Free Persian lamb and caracul Free Lamb and sheep (other than Persian lamb and caracul) Free Goat and kid Free Marten Free Wolf Free Jackal Free 1686 Gums and resins: Tragacanth Free Natural gums, natural gum resins, and natural resins, not specially provided for Free 1700 Iron ore containing iron oxide or iron hy- droxide, and suitable for the manufac- ture of pigments Free 1755 Sausage casings, weasands, intestines, bladders, tendons, and integuments, not specially provided for;all the fore- going produced from sheep, lambs, and goats Free 1768 Spices and spice seeds: (2) Cummin Free 1811 Works of art: Rugs and carpets made prior to the year 1701 Free