Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/460

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1380 Duration of agree- ment. Text of proposed agreement, provisions to be incorporated. Provisional fur seal agreement. Terms. Scope. Pelagic sealing, pro- hibition. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. shall also include other important phases of management or policy relating to the herd. Likewise, no objection is perceived to the suggestions, made under the fourth point in the Legation's memorandum, that the agreement shall be retroactive for the 1942 season; also that it shall remain in effect for twelve months after the end of the present emergency unless either Government enacts legislation contrary to its provisions or until twelve months after either Government shall have notified the other Government of an intention of terminating the agreement. With particular reference to the text of the proposed agreement it is understood, from conversations between representatives of our two Governments, that as far as practicable the provisions of the fur seal convention of July 7, 1911 should be incorporated in the agreement together with the following principal changes and additions: (1) An increase in the Canadian share of the fur sealskins taken annually on the Pribilof Islands from 15 percent to 20 percent. (2) A provision in the agreement for pelagic sealing under emergency circumstances. It is the view of the Government of the United States that the details regarding the conditions under which pelagic sealing might be conducted and the sharing of the sealskins taken by pelagic sealing should be the subject of con- sultation between the two Governments in the event circum- stances indicate that pelagic sealing should be resorted to in order to utilize effectively the fur seal herd. (3) A provision permitting the issuance of permits for the taking of fur seals for purposes of scientific research and the ex- change of information obtained by such research. (4) A provision that the two Governments consult from time to time regarding the level of population at which the seal herd is to be maintained or other important phases of management or policy. In the light of these considerations, the Government of the United States is prepared to enter into a provisional fur seal agreement with the Government of Canada in the following terms which embody the suggestions made by representatives of the Canadian Government: ARTiCLlI I The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all waters of the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean, north of the thirtieth parallel of north latitude and east of the one hundred and eightieth meridian. ARcTILE II The Government of the United States of America and the Govern- ment of Canada mutually and reciprocally agree that: (a) Excepting as may be authorized pursuant to paragraph (c) of this Article, nationals or citizens of the respective coun- tries, and all persons, and vessels, subject to their laws and treaties, shall be prohibited, while this Agreement remains in