Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/476

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1396 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. DEPARTMENT OF THE TBEASURY Annual Report on the State of the Finances Bureau of Internal Revenue Annual Report of the Commissioner Bureau of the Mint Annual Report of the Director Comptroller of Currenoy Annual Report DEPARTMENT OF WAR Annual Report DISTBICT OF COLUMBIA Annual Report of the Government of the District of Columbia Annual Report of the Public Utilities Commission FEDEBIB SECURrry AOENCY Office of Education Education for Victory (biweekly) Public Health Service Public Health Reports (weekly) Social Security Board Social Security Bulletin (monthly) FEDsERAL WORKS AGENC Public Roads Administration Public Roads (monthly) INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Annual Report LIBBBRY OF CONGBRSS Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS Annual Report with technical reports NATIONAL ARCHIVES, THE Annual Report OrFICE OF WAR INFORMATION Victory Bulletin (weekly) POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Annual Report of the Postmaster General SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Annual Report SUPREME COURT United States Reports UNITED STATES OFFICE OF EDUCATION Principal publications