Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/600

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. cooperate in carrying out the various phases of the work would be the subject of separate proposals. Such proposals would include a description of the work to be performed, and a statement of the con- ditions under which it would be undertaken. Each proposal would also be brought to the attention of the Peruvian Government in advance for preliminary consideration, and no action would be taken except with the full approval of the Peruvian authorities. This agreement shall come into effect on the day on which it is accepted by the Government of Peru, and shall continue in effect until June 30, 1948, or for an additional period if mutually agreed upon in writing, unless the Congress of either country shall fail to make available the funds necessary for its execution, in which case it may be terminated on sixty days' advance written notice by the Govern- ment of either country. The Peruvian Minister for ForeignAffairs to the American Ambassador MINrsio DE RELACiONEs EXTERIORES Y CuTro N° (D) 63/170 Lima, 4 de agosto de 1944. SENOR EMBAJADOoR: Con referencia a la atenta nota de Vuestra Excelencia N° 179, de 31 de julio iltimo, relativa al acuerdo para la cooperaci6n entre las autori- dades peruanas y el Instituto de Antropologia Social del Smithsonian Institution de Washington, me es grato manifestarle que el Ministerio de Educaci6n me comunica que considera aceptable la propuesta con- tenida en el Memorandum remitido con la atenta nota de esa Embajada No 1719 de 9 de marzo del presente ano. Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterarle, sefior Embajador, las seguridades de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n. ALFREDO SOLF Y MURo Al Excelentfsimo senior JoHN CAMPBELL WMITE, Embajador Eotraordinarioy Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de America. Ciudad. Translationby the Department of State of the ForegoingNote MINISTRY or FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND WoRsHIP No. (D) 6-3/170 Lima, August 4, 1944. MB. AMBASSADOR: With reference to Your Excellency's courteous note No. 179, of July 31 last, relative to the agreement for cooperation between Peru- vian authorities and the Institute of Social Anthropology of the