Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/632

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. ondition oipemploy- "VII. The Government of the United States of America or its me nt . agents, in carrying out the activities referred to, in this agreement, will grant to the Colombian personnel which it employs the social securities and provisions which the Colombian law provides and will be responsible for the expenses of round-trip transportation of these workmen or groups of workmen who may be contracted in places other than those in which they are to work. oExempion trom "VIII. The Government of Colombia is agreeable to authorize the duties, etc. Government of the United States of America or its agents exemption from customs duties or other charges, national, departmental, or municipal for the necessary elements imported for the stimulation of production or exploitation of materials referred to in this agreement, as follows: a) Tools, machinery, and equipment used for the purpose of ex- ploitation or production of such materials; b) Equipment and machinery to be used in the construction of the facilities which must be implemented in accordance with point V; c) Drugs and food products for the commissaries to be established in the areas of exploitation and production; d) Means of transportation, such as automobiles, trucks, and barges, etc., necessary for the furtherance of the activities to which this agreement refers; e) Small arms and ammunition for hunting and to be used for personal defense in remote regions in accordance with the laws reg- ulating such materials and whenever this is the case, upon the prior authorization of the Ministry of War; f) Such other materials which are not available in Colombia and which may be necessary for the furtherance of the activities to which this agreement refers. "It is understood that drugs, foods and other products imported by official entities of the Government of the United States under this agreement and intended for sale in production or collection centers through commissaries or other means shall be sold at a price not in excess of cost of such articles at the point of sale. Eemdt by Us. " The exemptions provided for in Article VIII shall be requested by the Government of the United States or its agents from the Minis- try of Hacienda through the Ministry of National Economy. into country byU.S . "IX. The capital imported into the country by the Government of the United States of America or its agents for the furtherance of its activities to which the present agreement refers will be exempt from the obligations established by Law 45 of 1942 and from any other charges or restrictions of any nature whatsoever. The Government of the United States of America or its agents will make application to the Ministry of Hacienda and Public Credit through the Ministry of National Economy. Exemption from "'X. The Government of Colombia will exempt the Government of the United States of America and its agents and employees who are not citizens of Colombia from such taxes as rent, personal property, income, and any other encumbrances with reference to the activities which 1552