Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/649

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1569 58 STAT.] BOLIVIA-HEALTH AND SANITATION PROGRAM-AUG. 1, 8, 1944 of Labor, Public Health and Social Welfare by your Government, which special agency is known as the Servicio Cooperativo Interamer- icano de Salud Piblica. Detailed arrangements for the continuation of the special Servicio and the fulfillment of the program will be effected by agreement between the appropriate official of the Govern- ment of Bolivia and an appropriate official of the Institute of Inter- American Affairs for the United States of America. It is understood that the Government of the United States of Amer- ica will continue to furnish such personnel as may be considered necessary in order to collaborate with the Servicio Cooperativo Inter- americano de Salud Publica in executing the health and sanitation program. All assets acquired by the Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Pfblica in connection with the health and sanitation program shall remain the property of the Government of Bolivia. No project will be undertaken that will require supplies or mate- rials the procurement of which would handicap any phase of the war effort. I should appreciate it if Your Excellency would be so kind as to confirm to me your approval of this general proposal, with the under- standing that the details of the program will be the subject of further discussion and agreement as provided herein. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my most distin- guished consideration. EDWARD D. McLAUGHLIN Charge d'Affaires ad interim His Excellency Doctor Don ENRIQUE BALDIVIESO, Minister of ForeignAffairs and Worship, La Paz. The Bolivian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship to the American Charge d'Affaires ad interim REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES Y CULTO Nfimero: A.E . s/g. 222- LA PAZ, 8 de agosto de 1944. SENOR ENCARGADO DE NEGOCIOS: Me es grato referirme a la estimable nota de Vuestra Sefioria, numero 489, de fecha 1° del mes en curso, relacionada con el programa cooperative de higiene y salubridad que debera desarrollar el Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Piblica en Bolivia. En contestaci 6 n, tengo el agrado de expresar a Vuestra Seforia que mi Gobierno proporcionara la suma de un mill6n de dolares (U.S. $ ..... 1.000.000 . -) en el periodo de los anos 1945, 1946 y 1947, destinada al fondo comun que debera ser administrado por el