Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/672

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1592 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. fact that the American Government, acting through the "Inter-Ameri- can Educational Foundation, Incorporated" (La Fundaci6n Educa- cional Interamericana, Incorporada), and for the purpose of carrying out the proposed cooperative educational program in Honduras, al- ready accepted by our Government, is prepared to provide the sum of EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($80,000.00), United States currency, which amount will be made effective for projects which are mutually approved by representatives of the two Governments and for paying the honoraria and other expenses of the educational specialists fur- nished by the Foundation, proposing that the Government of Hon- duras provide the sum of EIGHTY THOUSAND LErMPIAS (L.80,000.00), Honduran currency, in addition to such supplies, personnel and ma- terials as it may see fit to provide in our country. It is proposed, furthermore, in the aforesaid note, that a special cooperative service be established, similar to the Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Publica, for the carrying out of the cooperative educational program above-mentioned, for a period of three years, approximately. It is added in the note transcribed that if it should be agreeable to you, the Foundation would send to this country a group of educational specialists, acceptable to our Government, the said group to be in charge of an official who would be the Chief of Staff of the "Inter- American Educational Foundation, Incorporated", the representative thereof and, in addition, the Director of the Special Cooperative Service. There is included in the program of educational cooperation the sending to the United States of Honduran specialists in education and, lastly, it is proposed in the note referred to, if it should be agree- able to our Government, that the detailed arrangements for the estab- lishment of the Special Cooperative Service and development of the program be presented later in an agreement between the Foundation and our Government. In reply to your communication in reference, I have the honor to inform you that this Department of State, consid- ering the program of educational cooperation above-mentioned of the highest importance for the culture of the country, accepts the said program in full, presenting to the American Government, through the worthy channel of your Department of State, its thanks for such a significant and important evidence of confraternity, which undoubt- edly will contribute to the strengthening of the bonds of friendship and understanding which happily unite the two Governments and peoples. With assurances of my distinguished consideration, I have the honor to remain your very humble and obedient servant. (S) Angel G. Hernandez. To the Minister for Foreign Affairs, His Office." I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest esteem and most distinguished consideration. SILVERIO LALNEZ His Excellency JOHN D. ERwnY, Ambassador Eztraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. American Embassy.