Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/147

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59 SIAT.] 79TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 106 -MAY 3, 1945 129 diction of the Veterans Administration either by contract or by the hire of temporary employees and the purchase of materials. For printing and binding for the Veterans Administration, includ- Printin and bind- ing all its bureaus and functions located in Washington, District of inot, p.642. Columbia, and elsewhere, $780,000. For deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail of the Veterans Administration as required by section 2 of the 58 Stat. 34. 39 U. S. C., supp. Act of June 28, 1944 (Public Law 364), $614,250. IV, 321d. Pensions: For the payment of compensation, pensions, gratuities, Pensions. and allowances, now authorized under any Act of Congress, or regu- lation of the President based thereon, or which may hereafter be authorized (except the benefits authorized by the Servicemen's Read- 58 Stat. 284. justment Act of 1944), including emergency officers' retirement pay Iv, SS 69397e 701, and annuities, the administration of which is now or may hereafter no fop.735. 3 be placed in the Veterans Administration, accruing during the fiscal 542623 t*c. year for which this appropriation is made or in prior fiscal years, $1,080,150,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended. For the payment of benefits to or on behalf of veterans as authorized 58 Stat. 287, 291, 295. 38 U. S. C., Supp. by title II, III, and V, of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, iv, § 701, note fool. $295,000,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until 65 694-6, 66- expended. Post, pp. 270, 542, expended.626 et seq For military and naval insurance, $18,000,000, to be merged with the Military and naval appropriation for this purpose in section 20 of the Act of October 6, 'S u n c 1917 (40 Stat. 400), the consolidated appropriation to remain avail- able until expended.Nationalsevie lfe National service life insurance: For transfer to the national service isuatn erce e life insurance fund, in accordance with the provisions of the National Pt, . 42 Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, on account of payments of benefits 3 SU. . c. ' so01- in excess of the reserve of the policy in case of death, or for premiums 818; Supp. Iv, i 801 waived in case of total disability, in cases where the death or total et disability of the insured shall have been determined by the Admin- istrator of Veterans Affairs to be the result of disease or injury trace- able to the extra hazards of military or naval service, and to reimburse the national service life insurance fund for payments made therefrom when recovery of such payments is waived by the Administrator of Veterans Affairs under the authority of section 609 (a) of said Act, 3as U3. C. Iso (a). $900,000,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended. Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief: For payment of claims as author- P to ized by article IV of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act Amend- 80 Ut. s. , upp. ments of 1942, $400,000, to be immediately and continuously available Iv, app.P- 54 8- until expended: Provided,That any moneys received under said article IV shall be credited to this appropriation. Hospital and doml- Hospital and domiciliary facilities: For hospital and domiciliary ciHiary faciities. facilities, $84,500,000, to be immediately available and to remain avail- POt, p 642- able until expended: Provided,That this amount shall be available for Extension. use by the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, with the approval of the President, for extending any of the facilities under the jurisdiction of the Veterans Administration or for any of the purposes set forth in sections 1 and 2 of the Act approved March 4, 1931 (38 U. S. C . 438j-k) Stat: 1251. or in section 101 of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944: Pro- I38 u.. c .. Supp. vided further, That not to exceed 3 per centum of this amount shall be Tenicil and d ce i available for the employment in the District of Columbia and in the al assstants field of necessary technical and clerical assistants to aid in the prepara- tion of plans and specifications for the projects as approved hereunder and in the supervision of the execution thereof, and for traveling expenses, field office equipment, and supplies in connection therewith. Total, Veterans Administration, $2,607,119,250: Providea, That no TOUL 66347---46 -PT . I-9