Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/185

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59 STAT.] 79TrH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CHS. 112, 122, 123 -MAY 9, 15, 1945 naval forces under the provisions of this Act shall be ordered into actual combat service until after he has been given at least six months of military training of such character and to the extent necessary to prepare such inductee for combat duty; this proviso shall not be construed as preventing the assignment of enlisted men of the Navy or Coast Guard and the reserve components thereof to duty for train- ing on combat vessels of the Navy or Coast Guard and at naval bases beyond the continental limits of the United States." Approved May 9, 1945. [CHAPTER 122] AN ACT To amend section 3 (b) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, so as to permit exemption of security issues not exceeding $300,000 from the provisions of such Act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection (b) of section 3 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, is amended by striking out "$100,000" where it appears in such subsection, and inserting in lieu thereof "$300,000". Approved May 15, 1945. [CHAPTER 123] AN ACT Amending the Act of June 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1207), authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to pay salary and expenses of the chairman, secretary, and inter- preter of the Klamath General Council, members of the Klamath business committee and other committees appointed by said Klamath General Coun- cil, and official delegates of the Klamath Tribe, as amended, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act approved June 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1207), as amended, be, and the same hereby is, further amended so as to read in full as follows: "The Secretary of the Interior, or such official as may be designated by him, is hereby authorized beginning as of July 1, 1937, and until otherwise directed by Congress, to pay out of any unobligated tribal funds of the Klamath Indians in the Treasury of the United States salaries and expenses to the chairman, secretary, and interpreter of the Klamath General Council and members of the Klamath business committee or other committees appointed by the Klamath General Council (except the Klamath Reimbursable Loan Fund Board), when engaged on business of the tribe, and to such official delegates of the Klanlath Tribe who may carry on the business of the tribe at the seat of government: Provided, That the rate of salary and per diem paid shall be fixed in advance by resolution of the Klamath General Coun- cil, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, except that additional salaries and expenses, fixed and approved in the same way, may be made retroactive to July 1, 1943: Provided further, That the official delegates of the tribe carrying on said busi- ness at the seat of government shall receive, if travel is by rail, the usual railroad and sleeping-car transportation to and from the seat of government, or, if travel is by automobile, delegates furnishing such transportation shall receive an amount equivalent to the cost of their railroad and sleeping-car transportation to and from the seat of government, but salary and per diem shall not be paid to delegates traveling by automobile for any period in excess of the time required to perform the travel by railroad: Provided further, That the afore- said official delegates shall also receive reimbursement for telegraphic 167 Naval and Coast Guard training assign- ments. May 15, 194 (S. 62] [Public Law 55] Securities Act of 1933, amendment. 48 Stat. 76. 15U.S. . § 77c(b). May 15, 1945 [S. 655] [Public Law 56] Klamath Indians. 25U. S.C.§563. Salaries and ex- penses of tribe officials. Rates. Transportation of official delegates. Telegraphic ex- perses.