Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/199

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CH. 129--MAY 21, 1945 Western Hemisphere, without regard to the Standardized Govern- ment Travel Regulations, and to make advances of funds notwith- standing section 3648 of the Revised Statutes; traveling expenses of members of advisory committees in accordance with section 2 of said Act of August 9, 1939 (22 U. S . C . 249a); purchase (not to exceed five passenger automobiles), hire, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled and animal-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles; purchase of books and periodicals: rental of halls and boats; and pur- chase, rental, and repair of microAlming equipment and supplies, and colored photographic enlargements, $4,000,000; and the Secretary of State, or such official as he may designate is hereby authorized, in his discretion, and, subject to the approval of the President, to transfer from this appropriation to other departments, agencies, and inde- pendent establishments of the Government for expenditure in the United States and in the other American republics any part of this amount for direct expenditure by such department or independent establishment for the purposes of this appropriation and any such expenditures may be made under the specific authority herein con- tained or under the authority governing the activities of the depart- ment, agency, or independent establishment to which amounts are transferred: Provided further, That not to exceed $100,000 of this appropriation shall be available until June 30, 1947. Upon request of the Secretary of State and with the approval of the heads of the departments concerned, personnel of the Army, Navy, Treasury Department, or Federal Works Agency may be assigned for duty as inspectors of buildings owned or occupied by the United States in foreign countries, or as inspectors or supervisors of buildings under construction or repair by or for the United States in foreign countries, under the jurisdiction of the Department of State, or for duty as couriers of the Department of State, and when so assigned they may receive the same traveling expenses as are authorized for officers of the Foreign Service, payable from the applicable appropriations of the Department of State. This title may be cited as the "Department of State Appropriation Act, 1946". TITLE II-DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LEGAL ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION For personal services in the District of Columbia and for special attorneys and special assistants to the Attorney General in the District of Columbia or elsewhere as follows: For the Office of the Attorney General, $82,000. For the Office of the Solicitor General, $95,000. For the Office of Assistant to the Attorney General, $125,000. For the Administrative Division, $1,020,000. For the Tax Division, $590,000. For the Criminal Division, $900,000. For the Claims Division, $935,000. For the Office of the Assistant Solicitor General, $110,000. For the Office of Pardon Attorney, $28,900. For the Board of Immigration Appeals, $135,000. Not to exceed $250,000 of the foregoing appropriations for per- sonal services shall be available for the employment, on duties properly chargeable to each of said appropriations, of special assistants to the Attorney General without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended. Contingent expenses: For stationery, furniture and repairs, floor 181 31U.S.C. 529. 63 Stat. 1290. 22U.S. C.§ 502. Transfer of funds. Availability. Inspectors or super- visors of buildings abroad. Couriers. Citation of title. Department of Jus- tice Appropriation Act, 1946. Polt,p. O60. Post, p. 650 . Podt, p. 650 . Special assistants to Attorney General. 42 Stat. 1488 . 5U.8.O.i661; Supp. IV, 661 e . PU ,p. 2>8 sef.