Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/213

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 1ST SESS. -CH. 129--MAY 21, 1945 traveling expenses, including not to exceed $1,500 for attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Bureau when authorized by the Secretary; purchase (not to exceed five), maintenance, opera- tion, and repair of passenger automobiles; repair, alterations, and improvements to existing buildings and care and preservation of grounds, including the construction of necessary outbuildings and sidewalks on public streets, abutting Weather Bureau grounds; the erection of temporary buildings for living and working quarters of observers; telephone rentals, and telegraphing, telephoning, and cabling reports and messages, rates to be fixed by the Secretary by agreement with the companies performing the service; and estab- lishment, equipment, and maintenance of meteorological offices and stations; $12,140,000, of which not to exceed $1,142,000 may be expended for departmental personal services in the District of Columbia; not to exceed $1,500 for the contribution of the United States to the cost of the office of the secretariat of the International Meteorological Committee; and not to exceed $10,000 for the mainte- nance of a printing office in the city of Washington for the printing of weather maps, bulletins, circulars, forms, and other publications: Provided That no printing shall be done by the Weather Bureau that can be done at the Government Printing Office without impair- ing the service of said Bureau. Extra compensation at not to exceed $5 per day may be paid to employees of other Government agencies in Alaska, and in other Territorial possessions for taking and transmitting meteorological observations for the Weather Bureau. The appropriations "Maintenance and operation of air-navigation facilities", Office of Administrator of Civil Aeronautics; "Salaries and expenses", Civil Aeronautics Board; and "Salaries and expenses", Weather Bureau, shall be available, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary, for furnishing to employees of the Civil Aero- nautics Administration, the Civil Aeronautics Board, and the Weather Bureau in Alaska free emergency medical services by con- tract or otherwise and medical supplies, and for the purchase, trans- portation, and storage of food and other subsistence supplies for resale to such employees, the proceeds from such resales to be credited to the appropriation from which the expenditure for such supplies was made and a report shall be made to Congress annually showing the expenditures made for such supplies and the proceeds from such resales; and appropriations of the Civil Aeronautics Administration and the Weather Bureau, available for travel, shall be available for the travel expenses of appointees of said agencies from the point of engagement in the United States to their posts of duty at any point outside the continental limits of the United States or in Alaska. During the fiscal year 1946 the Secretary of Commerce may dele- gate his authority to subordinate officials of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Weather Bureau, and the Civil Aeronautics Administra- tion, to authorize payment of expenses of travel and transportation of household goods of officers and employees on change of official station: Provided,That in no case shall such authority be delegated to any official below the level of the heads of regional or field offices. Not to exceed $1,000 of the appropriations in the Department of Commerce Appropriation Act, 1945, available for travel shall be avail- able under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce for obligations incurred by officers and employees of the Department of Commerce for traveling expenses of returning members of their immediate families from outlying Territories and possessions of the United States to their former homes in the United States or points of not further distance, since the outbreak of hostilities in December 195 International Me- teorological Commit- tee. Printing office. Extracompensation, Alaska, etc. Free emergency medical services, Alaska. Ante, pp. 189, 190, 194. Credit of proceeds from resales. Delegation of au- thority. Travel expenses of families returing to U.S .