Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/227

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59 STAT.] 79rTH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 130-MAY 29, 1945 enlisted personnel discharged on medical survey to their homes if residents of the United States; transportation of enlisted personnel and applicants for enlistment at home and abroad and insane super- numerary patients to hospitals, all with subsistence and transfers en route or cash in lieu thereof; expenses of funeral escorts of naval personnel and apprehension and delivery of deserters and stragglers, and for railway, steamship, and airway guides and expenses inci- dent to transportation; transportation of dependents of officers and enlisted personnel, including those of retired and Reserve officers, and of retired and Reserve enlisted personnel of grades entitled to transportation of dependents in the Regular Navy when ordered to active duty (other than training) and upon release therefrom; for actual expenses of officers and midshipmen while on shore-patrol duty, including the hire of automobiles when necessary for the use of the shore-patrol detachment; for all necessary expenses for recruit- ing for the naval service, including lodging and subsistence of appli- cants, rent of rendezvous and expenses of maintaining the same, and advertising for and obtaining men; total transportation, $262,885,000: Provided, That the Secretary, in prescribing per diem rates of allowance in accordance with law, is hereby authorized to prescribe such per diem, whether or not orders are given to officers for travel to be performed repeatedly between two or more places in the same vicinity and without regard to the length of time away from their designated posts of duty under such orders, and also the actual and necessary expenses or per diem in lieu thereof as he may determine and approve for naval personnel on special duty in foreign countries, including per diem allowances, not exceeding $7, to naval personnel of, or under training for, the Naval Air Transport Service while on such duty or training away from their permanent stations. MAINTENANCE, BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS For equipage, supplies, and services under the cognizance of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, including scientific investigations, commissions, interest, and exchange; ferriage and bridge tolls, includ- ing streetcar fares; rent of buildings and offices not in navy yards for naval purposes, not otherwise provided for, and for other Govern- ment agencies as necessitated by their vacation of Government-owned property for naval use; accident prevention; services of civilian employees under the cognizance of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts; payment on a strictly part-time or intermittent employ- ment basis in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, solely under the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, of such specialists as may be con- tracted for by the Secretary, at a rate of pay not exceeding $25 per diem for any person so employed; packing, unpacking, and local handling, as authorized by law, of household goods and effects of civilian and naval personnel of the Naval Establishment; ice and mechanical devices for cooling drinking water on shore (except at naval hospitals and shops at industrial navy yards); $503,347,800: Provided, That without deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States and withdrawal on money requisitions, receipts of pub- lic moneys from sales or other sources by officers of the Navy and Marine Corps on disbursing duty and charged in their official accounts may be used by them as required for current expenditures, all neces- sary bookkeeping adjustments of appropriations, funds, and accounts to be made in the settlement of their disbursing accounts: Provided further, That during the fiscal year 1946 the dependents and house- hold effects of such personnel of the Naval Establishment on duty at 209 Transportation of dependents. Per diem rates of allowance. Specialists. Use of receipts for expenditures. Transportation of dependents.etc. 66347"- -4 8- -PT. 1 - 14