Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/248

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230 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ReulrAnrmy,war- United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwith- Post, p. s8. standing the provisions of the last paragraph of section 127a of the ls0u1ivs. 63 . National Defense Act, as amended (54 Stat. 213), the Secretary of War is authorized, during the existence of any war in which the United States is presently engaged and under such regulations as he may prescribe, to accept original enlistments or reenlistments in the Regular Army of male persons who are honorably serving in the Army of the United States, or any component thereof, or who were honorably discharged therefrom not more than three months prior to the date of such original enlistment or reenlistment: Pro- Limitation. vided, That the number of original enlistments or reenlistments in force pursuant to this Act shall not exceed the total enlisted peace- time strength of the Regular Army now or hereafter authorized by Term ofservice law. The term of service of persons enlisted or reenlisted under authority of this Act shall be for the duration of any war in which the United States is presently engaged and for six months thereafter or for three years, whichever is the longer period. Approved June 1, 1945. [CHAPTER 172] June 2,1945 [H. R . 1947] (Public Law 73] Chaplain, U. 8. Military Academy. Salary, etc. 1 U. S.a. § 1137. AN ACT To authorize an increase in the pay of the chaplain at the United States Military Academy while serving under reappointment for an additional term or terms. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled "An Act to amend section thirteen hundred and nine, Revised Statutes, providing a chaplain for the Military Academy", approved February 18, 1896 (29 Stat. 8), as amended by the Act entitled "An Act to fx the pay and allowances of chaplain at the United States Military Academy", approved May 16, 1928 (45 Stat. 573), is amended by deleting the period at the end thereof and substituting therefor a colon and adding the following: "Provided, That the said chaplain shall, while so serving under any reappointment for an addi- tional term or terms, receive a salary of $5,000 per annum and be entitled to the same allowances as herein provided.". Approved June 2, 1945. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 167, 168, 172- - [,9 ST1T. June 1, 2, 1945 superseding the Third Amendment to the Compact between the States of New York and Vermont entered into the 4th day of April, 1941, which Third Amendment was not consented to or approved by the Congress of the United States. SEc. 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this joint resolution is hereby expressly reserved. Approved May 31, 1945. [CHAPTER 168] AN ACT To provide for enlistments in the Regular Army during the period of the war, and for other purposes. June 1, 1945 [H. R . 23881 [Public Law 72]