Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/259

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., IST SESS.-CH. 189-JUNE 13, 1945 CLEBICAL ASSISTANCE TO SENATORS Clerical assistance to Senators who are not chairmen of the com- mittees specially provided for herein, as follows: Seventy clerks at $3,900 each; seventy assistant clerks at $2,400 each; and seventy assistant clerks at $2,220 each; seventy additional clerks at $1,800 each, one for each Senator having no more than one clerk and two assistant clerks for himself or for the committee of which he is chairman; messenger, $1,800; in all, $724,200. Ninety-six additional clerks at $1,800 per annum each, one for each Senator, $172,800. Ninety-six additional clerks at $1,800 per annum each, one for each Senator, $172,800. Thirty additional clerks at $1,500 per annum each, one for each Senator from each State which has a population of three million or more inhabitants, $45,000. For three additional clerks at $1,500 per annum each for each Senator from any State which has a population of ten million or more inhabitants, $18,000; for two additional clerks at $1,500 per annum each for each Senator from any State which has a population of five million or more inhabitants but less than ten million, $30,000, in all, $48,000: Provided, That such additional clerks shall be in addition to any other clerical assistance to which Senators are entitled, and shall be employed only during the period of the emergency. For an additional amount for clerical assistance to Senators (including chairmen of standing committees) at the rate of $5,040 per annum for each Senator, $483,840. Senators and chairmen of standing committees may change the number of employees in their respective offices or committees, and may rearrange the schedule of basic salaries of such employees in multiples of $5 per month: Provided, That such changes and rear- rangements shall not increase the aggregate of the salaries provided for such offices or committees by law or Senate resolution: Provided further, That no salary shall be fixed under this paragraph at a rate in excess of $5,040 per annum, and no action shall be taken to reduce any salary which is specifically fixed by law at a rate higher than $5,040 per annum: Provided further, That Senators and com- mittee chairmen, before the day on which they are to become effec- tive, shall certify in writing such changes or rearrangements to the disbursing office of the Senate which thereafter shall pay such employees in accordance with such certifications. Notwithstanding the provisions of the third paragraph under the heading "Clerical assistance to Senators" of section 1 of the Legisla- tive Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928 (2 U. S . C. 92a), in the case of the death of a Senator during his term of office, his clerical assistants on the pay roll of the Senate on the date of such death shall be continued on such pay roll at their respective salaries for a period of not to exceed sixty days: Provided, That any such clerical assistants continued on the pay roll shall, while so continued, perform their duties under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate, and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove from such pay roll any such clerks who are not attending to the duties for which their services are continued: Providedfurther, That this shall not apply to clerical assistants of standing commit- tees of the Senate when their service otherwise would continue beyond such period. In all, clerical assistance to Senators, $1,646,640: Provided, That all clerks, assistants clerks, and additional clerks under this heading shall be ex officio clerks, assistant clerks, and additional cerks of any committee of which their Senator is chairman. 6347 -46--PT. I-- 6 Rearrangement of salary schedules, etc. Aggregate. Salary limitation. Certification to dis- hursing office. Pay of clerical assist- ante as affected by death of Senator. 44 Stat. 1148 . 2 U. 8. C., Supp. IV. 92e. Performance of du- ties. Exception.