Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/270

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[59 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 189--JUNE 13, 1945 30 Stat. 531. Reimbursement for heat, etc. Legislative garage: For maintenance, repairs, alterations, personal and other services, and all necessary incidental expenses, $13,200. Subway transportation, Capitol and Senate Office Buildings: For repairs, rebuilding, and maintenance of the subway system connect- ing the Senate Office Building with the Senate wing of the United States Capitol and for personal and other services, including main- tenance of the cars, track, and electrical equipment connected there- with, $1,500. Senate Office Building: For maintenance, miscellaneous items and supplies, including furniture, furnishings, and equipment, and for labor and material incident thereto, and repairs thereof; for pur- chase of waterproof wearing apparel and for personal and other services, including four female attendants in charge of ladies' retiring rooms at $1,500 each, for the care and operation of the Senate Office Building; to be expended under the control and supervision of the Architect of the Capitol; in all, $339,500. House Office Buildings: For maintenance, including equipment, waterproof wearing apparel, miscellaneous items, and for all neces- sary services, $427,000. Capitol power plant: For lighting, heating, and power for the Capitol, Senate and House Office Buildings, Supreme Court Build- ing, Congressional Library Buildings, and the grounds about the same, Botanic Garden, legislative garage, and folding and storage rooms of the Senate, and for air-conditioning refrigeration not sup- plied from plants in any of such buildings; for heating the Govern- ment Printing Office and Washington City Post Office and for light and power therefor whenever available; personal and other services, engineering instruments, fuel, oil, materials, labor, advertising, and purchase of waterproof wearing apparel in connection with the maintenance and operation of the plant, $882,700. The appropriations under the control of the Architect of the Capi- tol may be expended without reference to section 4 of the Act approved June 17, 1910 (41 U. S. C . 7), concerning purchases for executive departments. The Government Printing Office and the Washington City Post Office shall reimburse the Capitol Power Plant for heat, light, and power whenever any such service is furnished during the fiscal year 1946, and the amounts so reimbursed shall be covered into the Treasury. LIBRARY BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL MAINTENANCE Salaries: For chief engineer and all personal services at rates of pay provided by law, $97,800. Salaries, Sunday opening: For extra services of employees and additional employees under the Architect of the Capitol to provide for the opening of the Library Buildings on Sundays and on holidays, at rates to be fixed by such Architect, $7,000. General repairs, and so forth: For necessary expenditures for the Library Buildings and Grounds under the jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol, including minor improvements, maintenance, repair, equipment, supplies, waterproof wearing apparel, material, and appurtenances, and personal and other services in connection with the mechanical and structural maintenance of such buildings and grounds, $84,000, of which $40,000 shall be available for necessary expenses for remodeling of space in the annex for a cafeteria and for furniture, equipment, and other items required for operation of same. 252