Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/311

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 18T SESS.-CH. 209-JUNE 30, 1945 penalty mail as required by section 2 of the Act of June 28, 1944 (Public Law 364); operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger- carrying vehicles; printing and binding; and reference books, news- papers, and periodicals, $48,200. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK 293 58 Stat. 394. 39 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 321d. For all expenses necessary for the National Zoological Park, includ- ing personal services; erecting and repairing buildings; care and improvement of grounds; travel, including travel for the procure- ment of live specimens; purchase, care, and transportation of speci- mens; purchase of one additional passenger-carrying vehicle, and maintenance and operation of passenger-carrying vehicles: purchase and exchange of bicycles, motorcycles, with or without side cars for use of police; revolvers, and ammunition; purchase of uniforms and equipment for police, and uniforms for keepers, and assistant keepers; books and periodicals; and printing and binding; $310,000, no part of which sum shall be available for architect's fees or compensation. SEC. 2 . No part of any appropriation contained in this Act or mCitt z en sh p require- authorized hereby to be expended shall be used to pay the compensa- tion of any officer or employee of the Government of the United States, or of the District of Columbia unless such person is a citizen of the United States, or a person in the service of the United States or the District of Columbia on the date of the approval of this Act who being eligible for citizenship had theretofore filed a declaration of intention to become a citizen or who owes allegiance to the United States. This section shall not apply to citizens of the Commonwealth Exceptions. of the Philippines or nationals of those countries allied with the United States in the prosecution of the war effort. SEC. 3 . No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall verthrow of U. S . be used to pay the salary or wages of any person who advocates, or Government. who is a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence: Pro- vided, That for the purposes hereof an affidavit shall be considered Affdavit. prima facie evidence that the person making the affidavit does not advocate, and is not a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or P violence: Provided further, That any person who advocates, or who ly. is a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence and accepts employment the salary or wages for which are paid from any appro- priation contained in this Act shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both: Provided further, That the above pen- alty clause shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other provisions of existing law. SEC. 4 . Whenever in this Act an amount is specified within an Maximum amount appropriation for particular purposes or object of expenditure, such amount, unless otherwise specified, shall be considered as the maxi- mum amount which may be expended for said purpose or object rather than an amount set apart exclusively therefor. SEC. 5. The Commissioners are authorized, under available appro- priations in this Act, to contract for stenographic reporting services without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes. 4v.s. . i SE. 6. Work performed for repairs and improvements under appropriations contained in this Act may be by contract or otherwise, as determined by the Commissioners. . Exchage or s ,e SEc. 7. In purchasing motor-propelled or animal-drawn vehicles ,equmnt. or tractors, or road, agricultural, manufacturing, or laboratory equip- ment, or boats, or parts, accessories, tires, or equipment thereof, the