Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/321

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., IsT SESS.-CH. 212-JUNE 30, 1945 approved May 29,1928, as amended, shall not, under the rates of com- pensation established by this Act, so long as he continues to occupy the position he occupied on June 30, 1945, be less than his per annum basic rate of compensation on such date, plus the rate of $300 per annum or 25 per centum of such per annum basic rate of compensation, whichever is the smaller amount. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no officer or employee shall, by reason of the enactment of this Act, be paid, with respect to any pay period, basic compensation, or basic compensation plus any additional compensation provided by this Act, at a rate in excess of $10,000 per annum, except that (1) any officer or employee who was receiving overtime compensation on June 30, 1945, and whose aggregate rate of compensation on such date was in excess of $10,000 per annum may receive overtime compensation at such rate as will not cause his aggregate rate of compensation for any pay period to exceed the aggregate rate of compensation he was receiving on June 30, 1945, until he ceases to occupy the office or position he occupied on such date or until the overtime hours of work in his administrative workweek are reduced by action of the head of his department or independent estab- lishment or agency, or Government-owned or controlled corporation, and when such overtime hours are reduced such rate of overtime com- pensation shall be reduced proportionately, and (2) any officer or employee who, because of the receipt of additional compensation in lieu of overtime compensation, was receiving aggregate compensation at a rate in excess of $10,000 per annum on June 30, 1945, may continue to receive such rate of aggregate compensation so long as he continues to occupy the office or position he occupied on such date but in no case beyond June 30, 1947. ESTABLISHMENT OF BASIC WORKWEEK; PAY COMPUTATION METHODS SEC. 604. (a) It shall be the duty of the heads of the several depart- ments and independent establishments and agencies in the executive branch, including Government-owned or controlled corporations, and the District of Columbia municipal government, to establish as of the effective date of this Act, for all full-time officers and employees in their respective organizations, in the departmental and the field services, a basic administrative workweek of forty hours, and to require that the hours of work in such workweek be performed within a period of not more than six of any seven consecutive days. (b) Beginning not later than October 1, 1945, each pay period for all officers and employees of the organizations referred to in subsection (a), except officers and employees on the Isthmus of Panama in the service of The Panama Canal or the Panama Railroad Company, shall cover two administrative workweeks. When a pay period for such officers and employees begins in one fiscal year and ends in another, the gross amount of the earnings for such pay period may be regarded as a charge against the appropriation or allotment current at the end of such pay period. (c) The following provisions of law are hereby repealed: (1) the provisions of the Saturday half-holiday law of March 3, 1931 (46 Stat. 1482; U. S . C., 1940 edition, title 5, sec. 26 (a)), and (2) the provisions of so much of section 5 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and for other purposes", approved March 3, 1893, as amended (30 Stat. 316; U. S. C., 1940 edition, title 5, sec. 29), as precedes the second proviso in such section. The first sentence of section 6 of the Act of June 30, 1906 (34 Stat. 763; U. S . C., 1940 edition, title 5, sec. 84), is amended by inserting after "United States" the following: "(except persons whose compensation is computed in 303 45 Stat. 955. 19 U.S..C .II 6a-d . Aggregate compen- sation, limitation. Exceptions. Biweekly pay periods. Exceptions. Repeals. 5 U. S. C., Supp. IV, I 26a. 27 Stat. 715 . 5 U. S. C., Supp. IV, 29. Amendments.