Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/372

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 262 -JULY 3, 1945 Educational lec- Appropriations herein made for the national parks, national monu- tures, etc. ments, and other reservations under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, shall be available for the giving of educational lectures therein and vicinity; for the services of field employees in cooperation with such nonprofit scientific and historical societies engaged in educa- tional work in the various parks and monuments as the Secretary may designate; and for travel expenses of employees attending Government camps for training in forest-fire prevention and suppression and the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Police Academy, and attend- ing Federal, State, or municipal schools for training in building fire prevention and suppression. Telephones in Gov- Appropriations herein made for the National Park Service shall emnent-owned resi- dences, etc. be available for the installation and operation of telephones in Government-owned residences, apartments, or quarters, occupied by employees of the National Park Service. Automobiles. Appropriations available to the National Park Service shall be available for the purchase, not to exceed five, maintenance and opera- tion of passenger-carrying automobiles. Aircraft. Appropriations herein made under the National Park Service for "National parks" and "National monuments" shall be available for the hire, maintenance, and operation of aircraft. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE For salaries and expenses, including traveling expenses, necessary in conducting investigations and carrying out the work of the Service, including cooperation with Federal, State, county, or other agencies or with farm bureaus, organizations, or individuals, as follows: SALARIES AND EXPENSES General administrative expenses: For general administrative purposes, including personal services in the District of Columbia, $206,190, of which sum $27,000 shall be available for printing and bind- ing, including the purchase of reprints of scientific and technical articles published in periodicals and journals and the publication of bulletins which shall be adapted to the interests of the people of the different sections of the country, an equal proportion of four-fifths of the bulletins to be delivered to or sent out under addressed franks fur- nished by the Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, as they may direct. Propagation of food fishes: For maintenance repair, alteration, improvement, equipment, and operation of fish-cultural stations, including the erection of necessary buildings and other structures; propagation and distribution of food fishes and fresh-water mussels; development, recommendation, and application of means, including the construction of devices, to assure natural propagation and maxi- mum survival of hatchery and other fishes; purchase, collection, and transportation of specimens and other expenses incidental to the maintenance and operation of aquarium, $1,100,000. Operation and maintenance of fish screens: For operation and maintenance, in cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or either, of fish screens and ladders on Federal irrigation projects, and for the conduct of investigations and surveys, the preparation of designs, and for determining the require- ments for fishways and other fish protective devices at dams con- structed under licenses issued by the Federal Power Commission, $30,000. Investigations respecting food fishes: For investigations and studies into the cause of the decrease of food fishes, and other aquatic and [59 STAT.