Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/391

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 263-JULY 3, 1945 under such titles I, IV, or X, respectively, by the Social Security Board prior to or during such period, but no such payment shall be made with respect to any plan for any period prior to the quafter in which such plan was submitted to the Board for approval. Salaries, Bureau of Public Assistance: For personal services in the Bureau of Public Assistance in the District of Columbia and else- where, $815,000. Grants to States for unemployment compensation administration: For grants to States for unemployment compensation administration, as authorized in title III of the Social Security Act, approved August 14, 1935, as amended, $32,000,000, of which such amounts as may be agreed upon by the Board and the Postmaster General shall be used for the payment, in such manner as said parties may jointly determine, of postage for the transmission of official mail matter in connection with the unemployment compensation administration of States receiv- inggrants herefrom. Salaries, Bureau of Employment Security: For personal services in the Bureau of Employment Security in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $642,474. Salaries, Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance: For per- sonal services in the Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $15,750,000. Salaries, offices of the Social Security Board: For personal serv- ices in the District of Columbia and elsewhere of the Social Security Board and its several offices and bureaus, not otherwise appropriated for herein, $2.928,000, including the salary of an executive director at the rate of $9,500 per year. Miscellaneous expenses, Social Security Board: For all expenses, not otherwise appropriated for, necessary to enable the Social Security Board to carry into effect the provisions of the Social Security Act as amended (42 U. S . C . 301-1305), including public instruction and information, and the procurement of information relating to the death of individuals entitled to benefits, receiving benefits, or upon whose death some other individual may become entitled to benefits, under title II of said Act, from proper State and local officials, includ- ing officials of the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii or indi- viduals designated by such State and local officials, and as authorized by the Administrator for personal services on a piece-work basis or otherwise in connection with the procurement of such information without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes and the civil- service and classification laws, which expenses shall include repro- ducing and photographic equipment; periodicals; purchase and exchange of lawbooks and books of reference; library membership fees or dues in organizations which issue publications to members only or to members at a lower price than to others, payments for which may be made in advance; alterations and repairs; purchase (not exceeding three), operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger-carrying auto- mobiles; $2,735,000. If during the fiscal year 1945 or 1946 functions are transferred by the Federal Security Administrator from or between any of the said offices or bureaus, the Administrator may transfer from or between the appropriations herein made for salaries for the Social Security Board the amounts necessary for personal services in connection with the functions so transferred. Not to exceed 5 per centum of any of the foregoing appropriations for salaries for the Social Security Board may, subject to the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, be transferred by the Administrator to any other of such appropriations, but no appro- priation may be increased more than 5 per centum thereby. 373 Ante, p. 236; post, p. 637. 49 Stat. 626. 42U.S.C.if601- 603. Pout, p. 637. Port, p. 637. Executive director. Post, p . 637. 49 Stat. 620 . 42U..8 . . 301- 1307; Supp. IV, ch. 7 - Post, pp. 548, 671. 49 Stat. 622. 42 U. . C.0. 401- 409; 8upp. IV, 1i 401, 409. Poet, pp. MR , 671. 41 U. .C.18. Transfer of func tions; amounts for personal services. Transferdf funds.