Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/397

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 263-JULY 3, 1945 and elsewhere; personal services in the District of Columbia to enable the Chairman of the Railway Labor Panel to perform his functions under Executive Order 9299; necessary transportation expenses of Board members to and from their homes or regular places of business, and $6 per diem in lieu of subsistence on such days as they are actually engaged in performance of the duties of said boards; printing and binding of awards and proceedings and testimony relating thereto; contract stenographic reporting services; rent of quarters when suitable quarters cannot be supplied in any Federal building, $100,000. Printing and binding: For all printing and binding for the National Mediation Board, $2,500. NATIONAL RAILROAD ADJUSTMENT BOARD Salaries and expenses: For authorized expenditures of the National Railroad Adjustment Board, in performing the duties imposed by law, including contract stenographic reporting services and supplies and equipment, $252,400, of which $65,000 shall be available only for compensation not in excess of $50 per day and expenses of referees, and not more than $123,680 for other personal services. Printing and binding: For all printing and binding for the National Railroad Adjustment Board, $17,500. This title may be cited as the "National Mediation Board Appro- priation Act, 1946". TITLE VI-RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere necessary in performing the duties imposed by law, $1,700.000 . Miscellaneous expenses (other than salaries): For all necessary expenditures, other than salaries and printing and binding, of the Railroad Retirement Board in performing the duties imposed by law, including rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; traveling expenses, including not to exceed $1,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Board when specifically authorized by the Board; repairs and alterations; contract steno- graphic reporting services; supplies and equipment (including photo- graphic equipment); not to exceed $5,000 for lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals; and for payment in advance when authorized by the Board for library membership in organizations which issue publications to members only or to members at a price lower than to the general public; and operation, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; $435,000. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the Railroad Retirement Board, $33,000. For deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail of the Railroad Retirement Board as required by section 2 of the Act of June 28, 1944 (Public Law 364), $54,000. Railroad retirement account: For an amount sufficient as an annual premium for the payments required under the Railroad Retirement Act, approved August 29, 1935, and the Railroad Retirement Act, approved June 24, 1937, and authorized to be appropriated to the railroad retirement account established under section 15 (a) of the latter Act, $291,913,000, of which $50,681,000 shall be immediately available: Provided, That such total amount shall be available until expended for making payments required under said retirement Acts, and the amount not required for current paymns shall be invested 379 45U.S. ., Supp. IV,§ 156 note. Citation of title. Railroad Retire- ment Board Appro- priation Act, 1946 . 58 Stat. 394. 39 U. S. C.. Supp. IV, I 321d. 49 Stat. 967; 50 Stat. 307. 45 U. . C. iC215- 228r Supp. IV, §i 215- Z8da'e 5 Stat. 316 . 45U..C.i228