Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/409

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CH. 265 -JULY 3, 1945 military posts without pay or allowances and applicants for enlist- ment while held under observation; issue of toilet kits to recruits upon their first enlistment; for expenses of packing and handling and similar necessaries; for a suit of citizens' outer clothing and when necessary an overcoat, the cost of all not to exceed $30, to be issued each soldier discharged otherwise than honorably, to each enlisted man convicted by civil court for an offense resulting in confinement in a penitentiary or other civil prison, and to each enlisted man ordered interned by reason of the fact that he is an alien enemy, or, for the same reason, discharged without internment; for indemnity to officers and men of the Army for clothing and bedding, and so forth, destroyed since April 22, 1898, by order of medical officers of the Army for sanitary reasons; $1,615,000,000; Incidental expenses of the Army: Postage; hire of laborers in the Quartermaster Corps, including the care of officers' mounts when the same are furnished by the Government; compensation of clerks and other employees of the Quartermaster Corps, and clerks, foremen, watchmen, and organist for the United States Disciplinary Barracks; incidental expenses of recruiting; for activities of chaplains (exclud- ing ritual garments and personal services); for the operation of coffee-roasting plants; for maintenance of Quartermaster branch depots, including utilities; for tests and experimental and develop- ment work and scientific research to be performed by the Bureau of Standards for the Quartermaster Corps; for inspection service and instruction furnished by the Department of Agriculture which may be transferred in advance; for such additional expenditures as are necessary and authorized by law in the movements and operation of the Army and at military posts, and not expressly assigned to any other departments; for supplies, services, and other expenses essential in conducting instruction of the Army in tactical or special activities and in the operation of Arm and Service Boards not otherwise pro- vided for; for burial of the dead as authorized by Acts of May 17, 1938 (10 U. S. C . 916-916d), and July 8, 1940 (5 U. S . C. 103a), includ- ing remains of personnel of the Army of the United States who die while on active duty, including travel allowances of attendants accompanying remains, communication service, transportation of remains, and acquisition by lease or otherwise of temporary burial sites; $200,000,000: Provided,That no appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for any expense incident to educating persons in medicine (including veterinary) or dentistry if any expense on account of their education in such subjects was not being defrayed out of appropriations for the Military Establishment for the fiscal year 1944 prior to June 7, 1944, except that nothing herein shall interfere with compliance with the provisions of law authorizing the detail of officers and enlisted men of any component of the Army of the United States as students, observers, and investigators as contemplated by section 127 (a) of the National Defense Act, approved June 3, 1916, as amended; Horses, draft and pack animals: For the purchase of draft and pack animals and horses within limits as to age, sex, and size to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of War for remounts for officers entitled to public mounts, for the United States Military Academy, and for such organizations and members of the military service as may be required to be mounted, and for all expenses incident to such purchases (in- cluding expenses for encouragement of the breeding of riding horses suitable for the Army, in cooperation with the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, including the purchase of ani- mals for breeding purposes and their maintenance), $1,430,000; In all, Quartermaster Service, Army, $5,580,430,000, to be disbursed and accounted for as one fund. 391 Tests, research, etc. Burial expenses. 62 Stat. 398. 54 Stat. 743. Educating persons In medicine or den. tistry. 57 Stat. 347 . 41 Stat. 786. 10 U. S. C. Bupp. iv, 135.