Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/414

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 265-JULY 3, 1945 32 Stat. 282. Fort Monroe Mili- tary Reservation, Va. Military attaches. Construction, limi- tation on cost. Stabling. Contingent ex- penses. Vehicles. Publications. Consultants. Barracks and quarters, Army: For the maintenance, installation, repair, operation, protection, and rental of buildings, structures, grounds, utilities, flying fields, fortifications, and appurtenances thereto, or other facilities required for military use; and for each and every object of expense connected therewith, including (a) the pro- curement of supplies, equipment, fuel, printing, binding, communica- tion services, newspapers, lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals, at the seat of government and elsewhere, (b) the purchase, rental, maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger-carrying vehicles, (c) the manufacture, procurement, purchase, storage, issue, and trans- portation (including research, planning, design, development, inspec- tion, tests, and the handling) of water, gas, electricity, fuel, tools, machinery, and equipment, (d) construction of additions and exten- sions to and alterations, improvements, and rehabilitations of existing facilities, (e) the furnishing of heat and light for buildings erected at private cost. in the operation of the Act approved May 31, 1902 (10 U. S . C . 1346), and buildings on military reservations, authorized by War Department regulations to be used for a similar purpose, and (f) expenses, including relocation costs and rental of buildings and offices, for other Government agencies, not otherwise provided for, necessitated by their vacation of Government-owned or other prop- erty for Army use, $528,399,000: Provided, That the amounts to be assessed and collected from nonmilitary interests on the Fort Monroe Military Reservation, Virginia, for expenditure in the maintenance, repair, and operation of wharves, roads, sewerage systems, and other utilities at said reservation shall be fixed by the Secretary of War dur- ing the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946, in proportion to the service rendered to such nonmilitary interests: Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for the rental of offices, garages, and stables for military attaches: Provided further, That no part of the funds herein appropriated shall be available for construction of a permanent nature of an additional building or an extension or addi- tion to an existing building, the cost of which in any case exceeds $20,000: Provided further, That the monthly rental rate to be paid out of this appropriation for stabling any animal shall not exceed $15; In all, Engineer Service, Army, $3,019,200,630, to be accounted for as one fund. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE SERVICE AND SUPPLIES, ARMY For manufacture, procurement, storage, and issue, including research, planning, design, development, inspection, test, alteration, maintenance, repair, and handling of ordnance material, together with the machinery, supplies, and services necessary thereto; for supplies and services in connection with the general work of the Ordnance Department, comprising police and office duties, rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, advertising, stationery, typewriting and computing machines, including their exchange, and furniture, tools, and instruments of service; to provide for instruction. training, and other incidental expenses of the ordnance service; for the purchase, hire, operation, maintenance, and repair of completely equipped motor-propelled and horse-drawn freight and passenger-carrying vehicles; for ammuni- tion for military salutes at Government establishments and institu- tions to which the issues of arms for salutes are authorized; for services, material, tools, and appliances for operation of the testing machines and chemical laboratory in connection therewith; for publications for libraries of the Ordnance Department, including the Ordnance Office, including subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals; not to exceed 396 [59 STAT.