Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/417

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 265 -JULY 3, 1945 Government-owned buildings at the Academy and repair and mainte- nance thereof; fuel for heat, light, and power; pay of employees; and other necessary incidental expenses in the discretion of the superin- tendent; in all, $4,251,000: Provided,That not to exceed $3,750 of this amount shall be available to liquidate the indebtedness of cadets sepa- rated from the service for any reason during their first year, who at the time of their separation are in debt to the cadet store. NATIONAL GUARD For the National Guard, $100, which amount shall be available for any of the objects, as may be determined by the War Department, specified in the appropriations for the National Guard in the Military Appropriation Act, 1942. No part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be available for pay, allowances, or traveling or other expenses of any officer or enlisted man of the National Guard who may be drawing a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay (where retirement has been made on account of physical disability or age) from the Government of the United States: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as barring the continuance of adjutants gen- eral in a federally recognized status without pay under this Act. ORGANIZED RESERVES For establishment, maintenance, and operation of Organized Reserve headquarters; for miscellaneous expenses incident to the administration of the Organized Reserves, including the maintenance and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; for the actual and necessary expenses, or per diem in lieu thereof, at rates authorized by law, incurred by officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army and Reserve officers ordered to active duty for periods in excess of fifteen days traveling on duty in connection with the Organized Reserves, and for travel of dependents, and packing and transporta- tion of baggage of such personnel; $100. No appropriation made in this Act shall be available for pay, allow- ances, or traveling or other expenses of any officer of the Organized Reserves who may be drawing a pension, disability allowance, dis- ability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States. The pay and allowances of such additional officers and nurses of the Medical Reserve Corps as are required to supplement the like officers and nurses of the Regular Army in the care of beneficiaries of the United States Veterans' Administration treated in Army hospitals may be paid from the funds allotted to the War Department by that Administration under existing law. CITIZEN'S MILrrARY TRAINING RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS 399 Liquidation of in- debtedness of certain cadets. 55 Stat. 385. Restriction on pay and expenses. Status of adjutants general. Restriction on pay and expenses. Medical Reserve Corps. Pay, etc., of certain officers and nurses. For the procurement, maintenance, and issue, under such regula- Supplies etc tions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, to institutions at which one or more units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps are maintained, of such public animals, means of transportation, sup- plies, tentage, equipment, and uniforms as he may deem necessary, including cleaning and laundering of uniforms and clothing at camps; and to forage, at the expense of the United States, public animals so issued, and to pay commutation in lieu of uniforms at a rate to be fixed annually by the Secretary of War i for transporting said animals and other authorized supplies and equipment from place of issue to