59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 1sT SESS.-CH. 265 -JULY 3, 1945 purposes of this Act, but the amount so used for personal services at the seat of government, other than for field service employees, shall not exceed one-third of 1 per centum of the total amount of cash appropriated for the Army. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY CONTINGENT EXPENSES, WAR DEPARTMENT For stationery and office supplies; purchase of professional and scientific books, lawbooks, including their exchange; books of reference, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers (not to exceed $3,500), maps; furniture and repairs to same; carpets, linoleum, filing equipment, photo supplies, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges; purchase of motor- trucks; maintenance, repair, and operation of motortrucks and one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle; freight and express charges; streetcar fares; postage; and other necessary expenses; $6,500,000. PRINTING AND BINDING, WAR DEPARTMENT For printing and binding for the War Department, except such as may be otherwise provided for in accordance with existing law, $4?7000,000. SEC.2.Nopartoft omade in the appropatonis Act shall be Time-measuringe- vices, restriction on available for the salary or pay of any officer, manager, superintendent, use. foreman, or other person having charge of the work of any employee of the United States Government while making or causing to be made with a stop watch, or other time-measuring device, a time study of any job of any such employee between the starting and completion thereof, or of the movements of any such employee while engaged upon such work; nor shall any part of the appropriations made in this Act Cash rewards, etc. be available to pay any premiums or bonus or cash reward to any employee in addition to his regular wages, except as may be otherwise authorized in this Act. Transfer of funds. SEC. 3 . The appropriation "Finance Service, Army" may be in- Ant, p.385. creased by transfer of not to exceed $6,813,185.000 of unobligated balances available on or after June 30, 1945, under the appropriations now entitled "Expediting production of equipment anl supplies for national defense"; "Contingencies of the Army", "Air Corps, Army"; "Special field exercises, Army"; and "Supplies and transportation, Army" (subhead-"Army transportation"), and, in addition, not to exceed 10 per centum of any of the appropriations for the Military Establishment for the fiscal year 1946 (except the appropriations "National Guard", "Organized Reserves", and "Reserve Officers' Training Corps"), may be transferred with the approval of the Bureau of the Budget to any other of such appropriations, but no appropriation or subappropriation, except the subappropriations "Claims for damage to or loss or destruction of property, or personal injury, or death" and "Claims of military and civilian personnel of the War Department for destruction of private property" shall be increased more than 10 per centum thereby. Pay and allowances SEC. 4 . The foregoing appropriations for "Quartermaster Service, f Reserveofficers on Army", "Signal Service of the Army", "Air Corps, Army", "Medical active duty. and Hospital Department", "Engineer Service, Army", "Ordnance Service and Supplies", "Chemical Warfare Service", and "Seacoast Defenses" shall each be available for the pay and allowances, includ- ing travel allowances, of such Reserve officers as the President may, with their consent, order to active duty for such periods, not in excess of two years, as their service may be required in the procurement or production of equipment therein appropriated for, or on duty pertain- ing to aviation. 403