Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/426

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 266 --JULY 3, 1945 58 Stat.63. Foreign Economic Administration: Salaries and expenses, $900,000; 58 Stat. 58. National War Labor Board: Salaries and expenses, $700,000; 58 Stat. 538 Office of Defense Transportation: Salaries and expenses, $2,950,000; 8 tat.537. Office of Inter-American Affairs: Salaries and expenses, $307,000; 58 Stat. 3 Office of Scientific Research and Development: Salaries and S expenses, $18,000,000; 58 Stat. 539. Office of War Information: Salaries and expenses, $4,750,000; 58 stat. 570. War Manpower Commission: General administration, $300,000; 58 Stat. 541. War Production Board: Salaries and expenses, $4,000,000; 58 Stat. 534. Office of Censorship: Salaries and expenses, $5,107,000; 58Stat.5. Office of Strategic Services: Salaries and expenses, $14,000,000 and the limitation under this head on the amount for objects of a confiden- tial nature is hereby decreased from "$35,000,000" to "$21,000,000"; 58 Stat. 534 Petroleum Administration for War: Salaries and expenses, $1,050,000; INDEPENDENT OFFICES 58 tat. 3 Civil Service Commission: Salaries and expenses, $375,000; Salaries and expenses (national defense), $75,000; 58 Stat. . General Accounting Office: Salaries, $4,000,000; 58 stat. 37. Interstate Commerce Commission: Salaries and expenses, emergency, $55,000; FEDERAL SECTRITY AGENCY Office of Education: 58 Stat.ML. Education and training, defense workers (national defense): (2) For the cost of short courses of college grade, and so forth, $1,500,000; (3) For the cost of vocational courses in food production, and so forth, $3,500,000; 68Btat. 67 . Public Health Service: Emergency health and sanitation activities (national defense), $800,000; FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY 8Stat.387. Public Buildings Administration: Emergency safeguarding of pub- lic buildings and property, $6,400,000; DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 8Stat.447. War Food Administration: Salaries and expenses, $2,000,000; 58 Stat. 41 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Federal property utilization, $3,000,000; DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 58 Stat. 467. Office of Fishery Coordination: Salaries and expenses, $25,000; 58 Stat. 4. Solid Fuels Administration for War, $850,000; 58 Stat. 545. War Relocation Authority: Salaries and expenses, $1,500,000; Bureau of Mines: 68 Stat. 49 . Enforcement of Federal Explosives Act, $35,000; 8 Stat. 4. Protection of mineral resources and facilities (national defense), $95,000; 58 Stat. 497. Construction and equipment of helium plants, $500,000; 68 Stat. 49 . Manganese beneficiation pilot plants and research (national defense), $100,000; 58 stat. 497. Production of alumina from low-grade bauxite, aluminum clays and alunite (national defense), $185,000; 408 [59 STAT.