Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/471

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59 STAT.J 79TH OONG. , 1ST SESS.- CH. 274-JULY 6, 1945 (g) Clerks assigned to offices of division superintendents, regional superintendents Air Mail Service, and in chief clerks' offices shall be promoted successively to grade 9 and after three years of faithful and meritorious service in grade 9 shall be promoted to grade 10; after five years of faithful and meritorious service in grade 10 shall be promoted to grade 11; and after seven years of faithful and meri- torious service in grade 11 shall be promoted to grade 12. Assistant chiefs of sections in offices of division superintendents and clerks in charge of units in offices of regional superintendents of Air Mail Service, and in offices of chief clerks, shall be of grade 16 or 17: Provided, That all clerks in charge and those clerks designated to act as clerks in charge during absences of clerks in charge, in offices of division superintendents, regional superintendents Air Mail Service, chief clerks, class A runs, terminal railway post offices, and air mail field railway post offices, shall be required to progress through the automatic grades to and including grade 9 before being eligible to receive the salary provided herein for the various grades of clerks in charge and clerks who will act as clerks in charge: Providedfurther, That clerks in charge and clerks designated to act as clerks in charge during absences of clerks in charge in transfer offices and clerks in charge assigned to class B runs shall be required to progress through the automatic grades to and including grade 11 before being eligible to receive the salary provided herein for the various grades of clerks in charge and clerks who will as as clerks in charge. (h) Examiners shall be of grade 16 and assistant examiners shall be of grade 15 whether assignedto the offices of division superintendent or chief clerk: Provided, That examiners to be eligible to receive the salary provided herein shall first progress through the automatic grades to and including grade 9. (i) In filling positions below that of clerks in charge no clerk shall be advanced more than one grade in a period of a year. (j) Operators of highway post-office vehicles shall be entitled to the same rights and benefits that accrue to railway postal clerks assigned to road duty, except no allowance shall be given these employees for service required on lay-off periods as provided herein for railway postal clerks assigned to road duty: Provided, That such operators shall be promoted successively to grade 9; after three years of faithful and meritorious service in grade 9 shall be promoted to grade 10 after five years of faithful and meritorious service in grade 10 shall be promoted to grade 11, and after seven years of faithful and meritorious service in grade 11 shall be promoted to grade 12. (k) Substitute railway postal clerks shall be paid, for actual services performed when on other than road duty, and shall be paid for road services performed according to the time value of the trip of such road service including a proper allowance for all services required on lay-off periods, as provided herein for regular employees assigned to road duty, on an hourly basis at the following rates: Grade 1-------------- $0. 94 per hour Grade 6--------------- $1.19 per hour Grade 2--------------- .99 per hour Grade 7 --------------- 1. 24 per hour Grade 3--------------- 1 .04 per hour Grade 8-------------- 1.29 per hour Grade 4-------------- 1 .09 per hour Grade 9----------- 1.34 per hour Grade 5--------------- 1 .14 per hour and shall be promoted successively to grade 9 following one year's satisfactory service in the next lower grade. (1) Substitute railway postal clerks, when appointed regular clerks, shall be appointed in the salary grade corresponding to their salary grade as a substitute. Any fractional part of ayear's service accumu- lated after the last promotion as a substitute shall be included with his service as a regular clerk in determining eligibility for promotion 453 Advancement restriction.