Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/478

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 274--JULY 6,1945 [59 STAT. and shall be promoted successively at the beginning of the quarter following one year's satisfactory service in each grade to the next higher grade until they reach the ninth grade. (b) The pay of substitute, temporary, or auxiliary special-delivery messengers in offices of the first class shall be on an hourly basis at the following rates: Grade 1

$0. 79 Grade 6-------------------- $1. 04 Grade 2----------------------- . 84 Grade 7----------------------- 1 .09 Grade 3----------------------- . 89 Grade 8--------------------- 1.14 Grade 4------------------ --- .94 Grade 9----------------------- 1 .19 Grade 5-------------------- .99 and shall be promoted to the next higher grade at the beginning of the quarter following two thousand and twenty-four hours' satisfactory service in a pay status. (c) Special-delivery messengers in offices of the first class shall, upon the effective date of this Act, be entitled to the grade to conform with their years of service, as follows: Less than 2 years' service ---------


Grade 1 2 years but less than 3 years' service ---------------------------- Grade 2 3 years but less than 4 years' service-------------------- - Grade 3 4 years but less than 5 years' service ---------------------------- Grade 4 5 years but less than 6 years' service----------------------------- Grade 5 6 years' service or more--------------------------------- Grade 6 Automotive-equip- ment maintenance. Employment at other duties. Vehicles. Reemployment. 54 Stat. 890, 891. 50 U. S. C .app. 3308 (b), (c), (g); Supp. IV , app. 1308 (b). 54 Stat. 859. i 403 (b), (c); Supp. IV, app. t 403 (b). Salary readjustments. Ante, pp . 443-455 467-459. (d) In addition to compensation provided in subsections (a) and (b), each special-delivery messenger in offices of the first class shall be paid for automotive-equipment maintenance at the rate of 6 cents per mile or major fraction thereof for miles traveled under the direc- tion of the Post Office Department in making delivery of special- delivery mail or at the option of the Post Office Department at the rate of 75 cents per hour spent in making delivery of special-delivery mail. Payment for equipment maintenance as provided herein shall be at the same periods and in the same manner as payments for regular compensation to special-delivery messengers. (e) Special-delivery messengers may be employed at duties other than the delivery of special-delivery ilail when their regular duties do not require eight hours work in ten; and special-delivery articles may, in the discretion of the Postmaster General, be delivered by reg- ular, substitute, and temporary postal employees, and such employees shall be paid their regular rate of compensation for such delivery service. (f) The Postmaster General may provide or hire vehicles under an allowance basis for use in the delivery of special-delivery mail whenever the exigencies of the service may require. (g) For the purposes of section 8 (b), (c), and (g) of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. as amended, and of section 3 (b) and (c) of the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution to strengthen the common defense and to authorize the President to order members and units of reserve components and retired personnel of the Regular Army into active military service", approved August 27, 1940, as amended (relating to reemployment of persons who have served in the armed forces of the United States), services as a special-delivery mes- senger in the Postal Service shall be considered services as an employee of the United States in a position other than temporary. SEC. 23. In the readjustment of salaries to conform to the provisions of this Act, regular employees for whom salary steps, automatic and additional grades have been provided in sections 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, and 19 shall be assigned to the salary of their respective positions on 460