Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/499

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , sT SESS.-CH. 319--JULY 17, 1945 employees for expenses incurred by them in official travel in privately owned automobiles within the limits of their official stations; actual transportation and other necessary expenses and not to exceed $25 per diem in lieu of subsistence of persons serving while away from their permanent homes or regular places of business in an advisory capacity to or employed by the Administration without other com- pensation from the United States or at $1 per annum; printing and binding; lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals, and newspapers, teletype services; maintenance, repair, rental in foreign countries, and operation of passenger-carrying automobiles; travel expenses, includ- ing transportation of effects under regulations prescribed by the Administrator, of employees from their homes to their posts of duty outside continental United States (excluding Alaska) and return- necessary advance payments in foreign countries; reimbursement of employees for loss of personal effects in case of marine or aircraft disaster; not to exceed $500 for entertainment of officials of other countries when specifically authorized by the Administrator; and the employment, on a contract or fee basis, of persons, firms, or corpora- tions for the performance of special services, including legal services, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes or the civil- service and classification laws: Provided,That when vessels are trans- ferred or assigned permanently by the War Shipping Administrator to other departments or agencies of the United States Government for operation by them, funds for the operation, loading, discharging, repairs, and alterations, or other use of such vessels may be trans- ferred from this fund to the applicable appropriations of the depart- ment or agency concerned in such amounts as may be approved by the Bureau of the Budget: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $50,000,000 from the marine and war risk insurance fund to the War Shipping Administration, revolving fund. Maritime training fund, War Shipping Administration: For the training, recruitment, repatriation, rehabilitation, and placement of personnel for the manning of the merchant marine, and the establish- ment and maintenance of policies respecting maritime labor relations and conditions, and for administrative expenses (not to exceed $3,269,357) including all the administrative items of expenditure for which the appropriation "War Shipping Administration, revolving fund", is available; rent in the District of Columbia in connection with existing lease of office quarters; and not to exceed $2,500 for contingencies for the Superintendent, United States Merchant Marine Academy, to be expended in his discretion, $70,000,000: Provided, That not to exceed $1,186,000 of this appropriation may be trans- ferred to applicable appropriations of the United States Public Health Service for payment of salaries and other expenses of the Public Health Service in performing services for the War Shipping Administration: Provided further, That the unexpended balance on June 30, 1945, of the continuing appropriation "Maritime training fund, War Shipping Administration", shall be transferred to and merged with this appropriation, and the consolidated funds shall be available for the payment of obligations theretofore incurred under said continuing appropriation. State marine schools, War Shipping Administration: To reimburse the State of California, $50,000; the State of Maine, $50,000; the State of Massachusetts, $50,000; the State of New York, $50,000; and the State of Pennsylvania, $50,000; for expenses incurred iD the maintenance and support of marine schools in such States as provided in the Act authorizing the establishment of marine schools, and so forth, approved March 4, 1911, as amended (34 U. S. C. 1121-1123); and for the maintenance and repair of vessels loaned by the United 66347°--46 -PT . I- -31 481 Special services. 41U.S.c. i . Transfer of funds. Personnel for man. ning merchant ma- rine. Ante, p. 480 . Transfer of funds. 68 Stat. 543. Maintenance of ma- rine schools and ves- sels. 36 Stat. 13. 34 U. 8. C., Supp. IV, i 112, 112