Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/504

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486 Payments in lieu of taxes. Disability or death compensation. 5U.S.C.§796; Supp. IV, § 796 note. Nonapplicability. Delegation of au- thority. Travel of evacuees. Travel expenses. Expenditure of funds set apart for special projects. War agencies. Services performed for, by other Govern- ment agencies. 47 Stat. 417. 31 U. 8. a., 8upp. IV, Il. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 319-JULY 17, 1945 [59 STAT. agencies to the Authority at its request; not to exceed $10,000 for payment to States or political subdivisions thereof, or other local public taxing units, of sums in lieu of taxes against real property acquired by the Authority for the purposes hereof; for payments for the performance of governmental services required in connection with the administration of the program; the disposal, by public or private sale, of goods or commodities produced or manufactured in the per- formance of activities hereunder, the proceeds of which shall be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts: Provided, That the provisions of the Act of February 15, 1934 (48 Stat. 351), as amended, relating to disability or death compensation and benefits, shall apply to persons receiving from the United States compensation in the form of subsistence, cash advances, or other allowances in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Director of the War Relocation Authority for work performed in connection with such program and, effective August 5, 1944, in connection with the adminis- tration and operation of such emergency refugee shelter: Provided further,That this provision shall not apply in any case coming within the purview of the workmen's compensation laws of any State, Terri- tory, or possession, or in which the claimant has received or is entitled to receive similar benefits for injury or death: Providedfurther, That the Secretary of the Interior may delegate to any official in the War Relocation Authority the authority to make appointments of personnel and he may also delegate to any official in the War Relocation Authority the authority to make other determinations necessary for the conduct of administrative management within the Authority: And provided further, That the limitation placed on the amount available for travel expenses for the War Relocation Authority shall not apply to travel of evacuees and their escorts incident to transfers and relocation. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 102. The appropriations in this Act for salaries and expenses shall be available, in addition to the objects specified under each head, for personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; con- tract stenographic reporting services; lawbooks, books of reference, newspapers and periodicals; maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; acceptance and utiliza- tion of voluntary and uncompensated services; and traveling expenses, including expenses of attendance at meetings of organizations con- cerned with the work of the agency from whose appropriation such expenses are paid. SEC. 103. Whenever sums are set apart from the appropriations in this Act for special projects (classified in the estimates submitted to Congress as or under "Other contractual services") expenditures may be made therefrom for traveling expenses, printing and binding, and purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles without regard to the limitations specified for such objects under the respective heads, but within such amounts as the Bureau of the Budget may approve therefor and such Bureau shall report to Congress each such limitation determined by it: Provided, That such limitations shall not apply where the special projects are performed by non-Government agencies. SEC. 104. With the prior approval of the Bureau of the Budget and under authority of section 601 of the Act of June 30, 1932, as amended (31 U. S. C. 686), orders for work or services to be performed by other agencies of the Government may be placed by any of the agencies whose appropriations are contained in this Act, but no agency shall perform work or render services with or without reimbursement