Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/516

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PUBLIC LAWS-OH. 321-JULY 21, 1945 Eligibility for pro- motion to group B or D. Restriction. Division of number ofgroupBandD salaries between white schools and colored schools. Basis. Principals in ele- mentary schools. Elementary schools. Classification of principals. First Assistant Su- perintendents of Schools. Boardsofexaminers. Membership. Chief examiners. group B or group D on June 30, 1945, shall be transferred and assigned to group B or group D in their respective salary classes in accordance with section 6 without further examinations or additional qualifications, and teachers, instructors, librarians, and research assist- ants receiving salaries in group A or group C on July 1. 1945, who are on eligible lists for promotions to group B or group D shall be eligible during the period of their eligibility for promotions to group B or group D in those classes in the foregoing salary schedule which have replaced the classes in which they were eligible on July 1, 1945: Provided further, That any person who has not received for at least one year the maximum salary of group A in any salary class, or group C in salary classes 2, 5, or 6, shall not be eligible for promotion to group B in any salary class, or group D in salary classes 2, 5, or 6, but this provision shall not apply during the period of eligibility to teachers, instructors, librarians, and research assist- ants who on July 1, 1945, are on the Board of Education's approved eligible lists for promotion to group B or group D. The number of group B and group D salaries shall be divided proportionately between the teachers, instructors, librarians, and research assistants in the white schools, and the teachers, instructors, librarians, and research assistants in the colored schools on the basis of the enrollment of pupils in the respective white and colored schools on the last school day of the first advisory period of the first semester in each school year, or as near that day as practicable. SEC. 10. Teachers shall be promoted to be principals in the ele- mentary schools, on the basis of such evidence of superior teaching, of administrative ability, and of increased professional attainments as the Board of Education may prescribe. TITLE V-ACCOMPANYING LEGISLATION SEC. 11. For the purpose of determining the classification of principals in the elementary schools, it shall be the duty of the Board of Education, on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, to designate the number of rooms in each elementary school building or approved combination of elementary school buildings. SEC. 12. There shall be two First Assistant Superintendents of Schools, one white First Assistant Superintendent for the white schools who, under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, shall have general supervision over the white schools; and one col- ored First Assistant Superintendent for the colored schools who, under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, shall have sole charge of all employees, classes, and schools in which colored children are taught. The First Assistant Superintendents shall per- form such other duties as may be prescribed by the Superintendent of Schools. SEC. 13. Boards of examiners for carrying out the provisions of the statutes with reference to examinations of teachers shall consist of the Superintendent of Schools and not less than four nor more than six members of the supervisory or teaching staff of the white schools for the white schools, and of the Superintendent of Schools and not less than four nor more than six members of the super- visory or teaching staff of the colored schools for the colored schools. The designations of members of the supervisory or teaching staff for membership on these boards shall be made annually by the Board of Education on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools. SEC. 14 . There shall be appointed by the Board of Education, on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, a chief 498 [59 STAT.