Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/523

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , S1TSESS.-CHS. 328, 329-JULY 28, 1945 (b) In any case where an employee employed by the United States within the purview of such Act or any extension thereof suffers dis- ability or death after capture, detention, or other restraint by an enemy of the United States, during the present war, such disability or death shall in the administration of such Act be deemed to have resulted from injury occurring while in the performance of duty, whether or not the employee was engaged in the course of his employ- ment when taken by the enemy: Provided, That this subparagraph shall not apply in the case of any person (1) whose residence is at or in the vicinity of the place from whence he was thus taken, and (2) who was not living there solely by virtue of the exigencies of his employment, unless such person was so taken while he was engaged in the course of his employment: Provided further, That compen- sation for disability or death shall not be paid during any period of time during which the disabled person (or the dependents of such person, or any one of them) should receive or be entitled to receive any pay, other benefit, or gratuity from the United States on account of detention by the enemy or by reason of the same disability or death, unless such pay, benefit, or gratuity is refunded or renounced. Approved July 28, 1945. [CHAPTER 3291 AN ACT To provide the transfer by the Secretary of War of the Roseburg Rifle Range, Douglas County, Oregon, to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) the Secre- tary of War is authorized and directed to transfer to the Recon- struction Finance Corporation, in exchange for the tract of land transferred to the United States under subsection (b), all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the military reser- vation known as the Roseburg Rifle Range, situated in Douglas County, Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the quarter section corner between sections 17 and 18, township 27 south, range 5 west, of the Willamette meridian; thence north ten chains; thence east ten chains; thence south ten chains; thence south six degrees and thirty minutes west fourteen and fifty- three one-hundredths chains to northeast corner of lot 8 in First Brookside Addition to Roseburg, Oregon; thence south thirty-one and thirty one-hundredths chains to the southeast corner of said lot 8, thence west along East Avenue three chains to southwest corner of lot 8, thence north thirty and twenty-five one-hundredths chains to northwest corner; thence south sixty-nine degrees west five and twenty-five one-hundredths chains to a point south from place of beginning; thence north eighteen and forty one-hundredths chains to place of beginning, containing thirty-four and eighteen one-hun- dredths acres, all in sections 17 and 20, township 27 south, range 5 west, of the Willamette meridian, in Douglas County, State of Oregon. (b) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized and directed to (1) acquire, subject to the approval of the National Guard Bureau of the War Department, all right, title, and interest in and to a tract of land in the vicinity of Roseburg, Oregon, suitable for use as a target range by the Roseburg State Guard unit, and (2) transfer all its right, title, and interest in and to such tract of land to the United States, without cost to the United States. Approved July 28, 1945. 505 U. S . employees. Disability or death after capture by ene- my. July 28, 145 [H. R. 715] [Public Law 162] Roseburg Rifle Range, Douglas County, Oreg. Transfer to RFC. Tract in exchange